Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

Recently watched the old Wesley Snipes movie The Art of War on Netflix. Out of the blue got this nasty shock:

I got unreasonably pissed because my entire life until 2016 I did not have to give a single damn about Donald Trump and now I flinch every time he’s referenced in an old movie.


Is this as good as I remember?

I thought it held up pretty well as a good example of the spy thriller/action movie genre, along the lines of the Bourne movies or the Daniel Craig Bond flicks.

Pretty slick and well-produced too, considering it came out in 2000. Snipes was solid I thought. So yeah, on balance, if you’re in the mood for this kind of thing I think you’ll probably enjoy it.

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Cool beans has become a regular part of my vocabulary.



Man I’m so disappointed. Maybe it’s been hyped up so much but there’s less comedy than I expected. Way too much storyline that was completely rushed to have a happy ending.

I also think Bridesmaids is overrated. Some of the stuff with Kristen Weig being pathetic and broke is super funny, but I’m just really not into physical comedy at all and I didn’t think Melissa McCarthy was funny. The bitchy rich friend was good but they went to the well too many times.

I laughed super hard the first time I saw Bridesmaids, but on a rewatch it didn’t hold up too well. On the plus side, I did take away the valuable information that butthole bleaching is a thing. (That’s in Bridesmaids, right?)

On Melissa McCarthy, I generally like her a lot, so took a chance on the new Netflix McCarthy vehicle, Thunder Force. Decidedly meh. It was pretty much what I thought it would be–but not a good example, just like a replacement-level goofy comedy thing. I was even pretty baked and still only laughed hard a couple times.

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Watched Tenet on HBO. The reviews led me to believe it was going to be lol bad, and it wasn’t. It wasn’t OMG good like the standard Nolan movie but it was comprehensible. Had way too many protagonist blacks out and wakes up somewhere else in the care of friends moments though.


A lot of Melissa McCarthy’s comedies have been pretty meh, but the thing with her is at least she has a pretty high floor, so I’m generally entertained even if it’s not memorable.

In the couple more serious roles of hers I’ve seen, she’s been quite good.


Is BBQ Man getting a stand-alone movie yet?

NDA, can’t say.

Was the last one Avengers 4?

Looked more like the Fantastic 4 logo to me.

That makes more sense. Pretty bummed not to see an Xmen logo anywhere to be honest. F4 is consistently a letdown. At least The Xmen franchise has s few hits amongst their misses

My basic Tenet take is that if that movie was the next Bond movie people would have been incredibly happy. It kind of tries to be that kind of film and is really good at that, but is a middling Nolan film.

Undergods :star: :star:

Bait and switch doesn’t really deliver on the post-apocalyptic setting of the trailer. That part (the interesting part) is under realized and only exists to vaguely tie together the bulk of the movie, which is three loosely connected short stories set in a slightly more conventional alternate universe. They’re all dark and heavy handed and none of them are very interesting.

i, sniper

documentary on the dc snipers, with alll sorts of background on the perps and audio of phone calls in prison

Mitchells vs. The Machines

Great family movie. Hell, great flick to watch alone or just as a couple. To my eyes, looked like it had some Enter the Spiderverse, Ghostbusters, Stranger Things, and I, Robot influences (Stranger Things was more in some of the music). The formula is the same as most animated movies - protagonists have to go on an adventure to accomplish a goal - but it does a great job with everything, including the feels.

A+++ would watch again


I need to buy some DVDs.