Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

Chadwick Boseman has to be like -100000 at this point, right?

yeah, the only reason to do BP early was to end the show with Boseman

Wow at Frances winning a third Oscar. I thought it had to be between Andra and Carey.

How fucking drunk or whatever is Frances McDormand?

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well I’m completely shocked

She speaks from the sword, man.


I don’t know if I’ve ever been more shocked at an Oscar selection

This is Brock Lesnar beating The Undertaker at Wrestlemania level shocking.

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I’m still LOLing at that ending.

The producers rearrange the whole tradition of the Oscars awarding Best Picture last only to have Anthony Hopkins win and not even be present for a speech.


Hopkins over Boseman is OMGWTFBBQ111!! Levels even for somebody who doesn’t follow oscar prestige even the tiniest bit.

Good job, academy.

This is why I don’t bet on things.

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I was a big fan of Nomadland, so happy to see it do well. Also happy though that it didn’t win the Screenplay category because lol at it even being nominated for that, cmon.

I searched the thread for Nomadland before commenting and saw this:

That’s a weird take on what is depicted on screen imo.

The object of the movie is to give us a feeling for what it’s like to be the character Frances McDormand is playing. Amazon is in the movie for the same reason that all the outdoor scenes are in vast, empty landscapes; it’s portraying the backdrop of isolation and atomization within which McDormand is moving and seeking community. A gigacorporation with massive warehouses full of robots is perfect for this. Cramming overt political commentary in there would have made me want to shoot myself.

Edit: Like what the movie depicts is the effects of political, economic and social forces on McDormand’s life. That corporation destroyed the life she had in the town with her husband, that’s true. Amazon offers her a place to work casually and earn money, that’s also true. Deriving general conclusions from this - including what Zhao said in the interview you quoted - is up to the viewer to figure out. The movie deliberately makes no explicit value judgements, because taking a wider perspective than that of McDormand would destroy what it is trying to do.

PS: I love this movie but I’ve only seen it once and feel a little ashamed that I have no recollection at all what the name of McDormand’s character is. To some extent McDormand is one of those actors now who transcend their roles; it’s like with Jack Nicholson, when watching him you’re acutely aware you’re watching Jack Nicholson and it should pull you out of the suspension of disbelief, but somehow doesn’t. I spent this movie going “Frances McDormand is great” but at the same time totally buying the character she was selling.

Side language note, and I’m sort of serious but also think this sort of thing doesn’t ultimately matter: isn’t it weird that we have gendered words for people who perform in stage and screen plays? We don’t have gendered words for “singer”, or “painter”, or “author”. Why is “actor” an exception to the rule? Imagine in that third paragraph in my last post, if I’d had to formulate that second sentence to be gender-correct. Like “McDormand is one of those actresses similar to actors such as Jack Nicholson” or something. Why the fuck does this exist?

“Actress” is rightly frowned upon here. “Manageress” and “authoress” used to be things too lol.
“Chanteuse”, “songstress” and “sculptress” still exist for some reason.

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I watched Hot Rod for the first time. It’s a bit dumb but if you like Andy Samberg you’ll enjoy it.

Isla Fisher is so pretty it’s almost distracting.


One of my favorite dumb movies.