Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

Great ads from awful companies are so tilting.

Editing was Chicago 7’s best shot. It’s a massive dog for everything else remaining.

Yeah, that’s probably happening.

EDIT: Also a Tyler Perry special award, which I didn’t expect.

Never thought I would see Tyler Perry getting a standing ovation at the Oscars (but seriously, good for him)

Brilliant speech

Trent Reznor with his second Oscar

So weird to see the guy I remember from my teen years listening to March of the Pigs and Wish becoming an Oscar mainstay a quarter century later.

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Massive upset there. Looks like Fight for You was +2500

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Butting in on Oscar chat for a sec…

First: Hateful Eight: Y/N

Second, if Y: Hateful Eight (one 2-hour, 47-minute movie) or Hateful Eight: Extended Edition (4 x 50 minute episodes)

Thanks for your guidance.

Yeah, and it looks like that was the 4th favorite for the award. Gives me hope that BP will not be Nomadland or Chicago 7.

I vote Y and extended

It is pure Tarantino for better or worse

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Do extended if you’re going to do it.

That said, it’s my least favorite Tarantino movie by a significant margin.

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You forgot was this song nominated for an Oscar bit

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Yeah WTF this is terrible.

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When was the last time the sole leader in Oscar wins wasn’t nominated for BP?

Ma Rainey might get that honor.

EDIT: Just checked and the year doesn’t start with a 2 if it’s ever happened.

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So the tribute ended with Sean Connery and then Chadwick Boseman…if there was any doubt left at all for best actor…

Wait they are doing Best Picture now?

I guess they are ending on Boseman

BP now makes no fucking sense whatsoever.

Not surprising

Was hoping for surprise but it was a significant favorite. Movie did little for me.