Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

It does look very silly.

Anyone else see Nomadland? Thought it was pretty bad tbh.

Like it obviously has some cinematic storytelling value, but the politics of the movie are so fucking bad and dumb and thoughtless that I just canā€™t take it seriously. A movie that centers around a woman forced from her home because of unfettered capitalism simply cannot then take a totally uncritical look at Amazon factories and how Amazon interacts with labor. The politics of this movie completely undermine the story thatā€™s being told.


Delivers on the premise without ever really exceeding it. Youā€™ve seen this movie before, but if you want to see it agian this is a perfectly fine version of it.

These kinds of movie critiques make no sense to me. That isnā€™t the movie she was trying to make. Itā€™s not some error or artistic failure. She wasnā€™t making a polemic, by choice.

We did a watch party here about a month or so ago.

I wouldnā€™t call it ā€œbadā€, but all of the awards show love itā€™s getting is pretty LOL. If it wins Best Director, fine. Best Picture or Best Screenplay, though? GTFO.

The movie is totally incoherent because of the politics. Just look at what Zhao said about her own movie:

ā€œIf you look deeply, the issue of eldercare as a casualty of capitalism is on every frame,ā€ Zhao said in a New York magazine profile back in February.

So, there is in fact commentary on the failures of capitalism in this film. Literally the opening sequence describes the main characterā€™s home town that was decimated by totally unrestrained free markets. The company that left her town and effectively destroyed hundreds of lives does billions of dollars in revenue!

The story sheā€™s telling doesnā€™t have to be a polemic or go on the attack against Amazon. Effectively doing a mini-documentary of how nice it is to work in an Amazon factory while pretending to critique American capitalism is just nonsense. Donā€™t include Amazon at all!

Truly a joke of a movie.

ChloƩ Zhao: I have made a movie that captures the casualties of capitalism in every frame!

Also ChloƩ Zhao: In this same movie I have included a documentary of how working in an Amazon factory is a great gig!


Nomadland was a very good nonfiction book before it was a movie so you can just read that instead if you donā€™t like what Zhao did with the story.

Top 5 Vegas movies?

In no particular order

  • Oceans 11
  • The Hangover
  • Fear and Loathing
  • Go (more of an LA movie, but the Vegas plotline really captures Vegas)
  • Casino

Semi-troll honorable mention:


Leaving Las Vegas - The rare Nicholas Cage movie thatā€™s genuinely good.

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Does Rain Man count?

Oh, thereā€™s a few good movies in his filmography. Setting aside the above average action movies, you still have Raising Arizona, Wild at Heart, and Adaptation. Heā€™s worked with some very good directors.

He was in Mandy, which is the greatest movie of all time, so thereā€™s that.

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Thereā€™s definitely a few, but heā€™s one of those actors who just seems to say yes to everything even though he could be much more discriminating if he wanted. Bruce Willis is another. Thereā€™s some sort of compulsion there I donā€™t understand.

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Being in movies seems like a blast to me. Iā€™d definitely be one of those dudes who appears in any movie no matter what they paid me.

I never know exactly how much stock to put in these ā€œFAMOUS CELEBRITY SPENT ALL THE MONEY!ā€ stories, but expensive tastes + IRS troubles could definitely make someone less picky about the roles they take.

I saw some random interview with Samuel L. Jackson and a question was asked about why he seemingly says yes to every movie. His answer: gotta put my kids through college.

How many movies are there where Samuel L shows up, yells a few lines, and peaces out? Iā€™d do that all day long if I could get that kind of work.