Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

yea Coherence and Primer are two films where the strength of the concept and good acting put them way ahead of most big budget sci fi films


Autism: The Musical

A short documentary in 2003 on a small program for children with autism to have them act in a musical for their parents. It’s good in that they interview their parents about life with a child with autism and show the parents at their best and worst. Some of the ABA stuff is a bit cringeworthy but overall it’s good.

HBO did a short follow up last year with

Autism: The Sequel

and it was good to see the kids all grown up. Overall those parents are some of the most tenacious parents I’ve seen, but one thing they don’t quite talk about is that it’s set in California and the parent’s and child’s quality of life really depend on how much money the parents have to spend on programs (most of the parents seem well off) and/or how much the state is willing to provide. I get the feeling the situation is very different in states with much lower levels of service

This gave me very strong Justin Roiland X Watership Down vibes

I’m not familiar but I will check them out.

Feels like it’s saying something about Homo sapiens, evolution, technology and religion.

Yea I felt like it could have gone either route. Be a absurdist comedy to match the absurdity of the political system or a black edged caper movie where small town America turns out to be far more ruthless than the supposedly sophisticated DC sharks, but it kind of split the difference so didn’t do either one very well

Though I didn’t like the movie, I do agree with this take

I admit that the preceding paragraph — indeed, this entire essay — is so nerdy that anyone reading it is at risk of going through reverse puberty. The fact that I haven’t been this invested in an American blockbuster series since the first run of Alien films testifies to how mesmerizing I find them. In their bubblegum-Brobdingnagian way, the Legendary monster films represent the last gasp of art-cinema ambiguity in a modern-movie landscape dominated by literal-minded, megabudget tentpole flicks that amount to PDFs of screenplays read aloud by actors dangling in front of green screens. Even when one of the other series tries to get “serious,” it’s rare that an individual film makes you wonder how you’re supposed to feel about the characters, the story, its outcome, and the wider view of life presented on screen. These films are mainly concerned with information delivery and fan service. They stridently insist on being taken seriously as art without (for the most part) making even minor interpretive demands on viewers, much less asking them to enter into a mind space where humanity’s existence is optional and karma is real.

I like the idea of the philosophy behind the Monsterverse way more than any superhero movie

Also an interview with the actress Kaylee Hottle (who was the best actor in the movie) that I thought was interesting, mostly because I had seen so few deaf actors that I hadn’t ever watched an entertainment interview done in signing

Crazy Rich Asians


A great rom com. I’m not a big rom com fan, but I can appreciate a well put together movie and this is good. Every character has small intro scenes that give them strong characterization. Constance Wu has to be the second funniest hottest actress out there. She does great work and so does everyone else.

The Hurricane


Denzel Washington at his best. The guy makes nails every scene, he’d make reading a phone worth a standing ovation. A bit too long, I’m assuming purposefully, to go for the award season.

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Re: Another Round (DRUK)

Another key is that this is Mads in the lead, which is why we watched it. Enjoyed it not just for Mads though, but he certainly does his thing. I think they were attempting to provide a broad perspective on alcohol including some positives when used in moderation despite the well-publicized downsides and the super thin line from moderation to abuse.

This was a fun one but I am also a sucker for low budget scifi movies like Primer (huehue’s comparison), Cube, and Platform. Even going as far as ranking flicks like The Signal (2014), Exam (2009), and the Circle (2015 - not the Hanks/Watson one) as above average.

Criterion Channel has two other movies by this director, Intentions of Murder and The Pornographers, both absolutely amazing.

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Criterion Channel sounds like the absolute nuts.


I’m really enjoying it so far, but it annoys me that there’s no Playstation app for it yet.

Ok, these are some cool photos.


The great silence (corbucci 68)

Spaghetti western entirely taking place in the snow. Out of control bounty hunters (led by Klaus Kinski) vs mute good guy (Trintignant). Pretty good movie with a really great ending. Also a great score by Morricone.

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Bad trip (recent netflix movie)

Hidden camera movie, with a plot. I haven’t been watching enough silly comedies lately so i enjoyed this quite a bit. I know little about Eric Andre but he has a very likable face (and voice).

Also features a fun homage to the Wayans’ “white chicks” (or “Fausses Blondes InfiltrĂ©es” as we know it here :slight_smile: ).

Major Linda Hamilton/ Sigourney Weaver vibes there.

Good for her, Tig is fucking awesome and her stand up sets never fail to amuse.

It’s Zack Snyder so people are going to watch it, and he’s not a complete moron so the movie will probably be at least passable, but damn if that movie trailer makes it look like half the movie is just slow motion shots of people shooting guns. Which, to be fair, is a Zack Snyder movie.

Literally wouldn’t watch this for $100. Barf.