Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

Pigs and Battleships is straight-up one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. Strong rec if you’re in the mood for a Scorsese-style gangster saga.

Shorta (aka Enforcement wherever it was released in the US)
Denmark version of the escape from a hostile urban environment genre, but none of the characters are likable and there’s nothing remotely menacing about a Danish housing project. OK if you’re into that sort of thing, but not spectacular. :star: :star::star:

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Not really a big super hero movie guy, but I loved the first Guardians and am getting major vibes here. Might be the first movie I see in theaters after being vaccinated

Another Round


Four middle aged teachers decide to drink everyday to see if it gets them out of their midlife crisises.

An OK film, not really recommended. Basic premise of the Hangover but less hyper reality comedy and more of a light comedy drama. Didnt quite hit though


The New Mutants


Not really a recommend either. Which is too bad because I liked the New Mutants comics. Unfortunately while not being a generic superhero movie it didn’t live up to the hype of being a superhero movie in a new genre like it was hyped to be. The horror aspect didn’t appear to the third act and was kind of tacked on. In reality this was a movie that wanted to be one thing but lacked the vision to carry it out.

The movie is clearly aiming to be a movie about trauma, with counciling sessions replacing training montages but I’m guessing they didn’t have the rights to Belaso so they couldn’t do the child kidnapped by a demon and sexually assaulted, had to invent some Smiling Men from Limbo as Illyana’s trauma which made no sense in the movie and eventually ruined it.

Which is too bad because I thought the chemistry between the characters was good. The other teenagers dropping racial slurs against Dani Moonstar, while not good, felt more realistic than quippy Marvel dialog.

RIP New Mutants

I tried this from about December 15-Febuary 15 and sadly it didn’t really work.


Just watched this and also thought it was great (especially the second half).

The historical setting of the time (post ww2 US-occupied Japan, in a town which is essentially a brothel for American soldiers) is interesting, and one I hadn’t seen depicted before (mostly my own ignorance, but might also have been slightly taboo given how it goes against Japanese nationalism, cf the scene with the kid learning his school propaganda).

Very bleak and nihilistic film though, I could have used a bit more comic relief (the one laugh was welcome).

I’m sure you’re aware it’s the same director. The solo Harley Quinn movie is a similar vibe and is much better than it should be, you might like it.

Inherent Vice


Meh, like a lesser Tarantino film. Some scenes stood out, but way too long and too disjointed to cohere into something worth recommending

Godzilla vs Kong


My son’s into Godzilla so I thought this would be something for him to watch, but it’s an ugly mess plot and visually. A mess of a story because I couldn’t tell why people were doing what they were doing half the time. There’s shuttles that hover and have Star Trek effects. There’s reverse gravity. It’s just, come on. A mess visually because it’s 90% dark CGI neon. Not exaggerating, there’s neon in everything. Every computer screen is neon pink and blue, anything that could glow is neon blue or red. And everything is CGI. I don’t think anyone was ever at anything resembling a real location or physical set.

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Promising Young Woman

Mwah! That’s a chef’s kiss but in the genuine sense. Fan-fucking-tastic. Lots of twists and turns. Fun the whole way. Some things are predictable but that makes the many unpredictable parts all the better.


Reflections in a Golden Eye


Aww the 60s, when having repressed homosexuality meant someone was going to die. Not a terrible movie but not great either. Elizabeth Taylor does great, though I was less impressed with Marlon Brando’s work as a repressed gay man. A lot of his reaction shots at seeing male nudity was him looking like he had just been startled by a ghost. Shout out though for the gay erotic temptation of Marlon Brando being a guy riding a horse bareback while naked though the woods and long extended shots of the guy naked walking in the woods shot from behind. Also shout out this production choice which isn’t in the version I saw and seems like it’d total mess up the movie

The film was originally released in a version in which all scenes were suffused with the color gold, with one object in each scene (such as a rose) normally colored.[7] This was in reference to the houseboy’s drawing of a golden peacock, in whose eye the world is a reflection.[7] As that version puzzled audiences, it was withdrawn and a conventional version released.[7]

Witches of Eastwick


A film adaptation that seems more fan service than stand alone movie. I had read the novel first and I recognized the scenes from the book, but was asking myself how would anyone who hadn’t read the book know what’s going on? In the book the women have always known their witches but in the movie they don’t know they’re witches, but when magical things start happening no one questions it? It’s just weird. Also with three different main characters who interact with their love interest, and a minor character the plot is really pared down.

Shout out to Cher though, she looked great.



I had forgotten that Jon Stewart had written this. It’s about a DC Democrat political guy who goes to small town Wisconsin to try and get a guy to win a mayorship as a Democrat.

I don’t quite get all the hate this movie got the time as it’s not offensively bad, just run of the mill bad.

Also Rose Byne has got to be the hottest funniest woman in Hollywood.

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I dropped this short in the LC thread awhile back but here it is again.

Didn’t get much love over there. Still raises my arm hairs when I see it. @RiskyFlush stick your eyes and brain on this and lemme know what you think.

dropping some animated wang. I liked the short

+5 because I’m in it, so 10/10. I played a Republican consultant, too, so I really showed off my acting chops.

I pretty much agree with your review. It’s fine, it’s just disappointing that it wasn’t funnier/more interesting coming from Jon Stewart, especially with that cast. I will say, though, that he was insanely nice on the set.

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Coherence (2013)

Little $50,000 budget indie sci-fi thriller my wife and I gave go this weekend because I saw Patton Oswalt raving about it. It’s really good. Some couples get together for dinner at one of their houses the night a comet passes by Earth. Weird, mind-bedding shit ensues. Like a lot of low budget indies, it’s mostly people talking, but it’s very clever. Gets tense, nerve wracking. Recommend.

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