Movie Night Watch Party Megathread

Looking like Happy Gilmore will be served

It’s Happy Gilmore by a chewed off hand.

I might not be here exactly at 10pm EST, please start without me if so.

If you don’t already have a copy, it is available through Cinemax.

Okay dokee, I assume I might be the only one watching but for anyone joining in, I’ll start it at :20

They should use this as the template for all superhero origin stories. We know everything we need to know about Happy in five minutes.

I can’t figure out how to vote, but Billy Madison is the superior Sandler film.

Would you like to know more?


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Warrior is an excellent film with enough heart to make up for its unrealistic premise and execution. Available free to Amazon Prime folks.

This is a great movie for kids. You know, aside from the Happy Place scene. The worst cursing is bleeped out. The character’s humor is in part because he’s vulgar, but the movie makes it clear the obstacles and consequences a person will face from being so hostile and unprofessional. In fact Happy only wins at the end by learning to balance his animal side with a hint of enlightenment. A great message for kids of all ages.

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Chubbs…you took his hand.

Friends listen to “Endless Love” in the dark.

The Bob Barker scene is hilarious. I think it’s one of those scenes that’s funny to new audiences, but you had to be inside the cultural perception of Bob Barker at the time to experience the depth of the joke. Obviously Bob had the hots for supermodels, but beyond that, he was the picture of professionalism. So for Happy to say, “The Price is Wrong, bitch,” and then for Bob to beat the shit out of Happy, curse at him, and walk away still shadow boxing. It was subversive.

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This is the line I most quote from Happy Gilmore.

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Not surprising. Barker trained under Chuck Norris and has a black belt in karate.

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At the :45 mark, the trailer is going through all of the movie stars. This person, that person, and…OJ Simpson.

Blazing Saddles


What is everyone using to stream? I have Prime and nothing else right now. Do you guys use multiple servces? Is that necessary? … Was thinking about ditching Prime.

It’s on Hulu. Have you already used a free trial? Even if so, a lot of places reset their trials over the quarantine, so you will probably be able to reup.

I pay the $6 a month for Hulu. Their collection is more than worth it to me. I use my sister’s Netflix and my SO’s Prime. Yay communism :smiley:

I’ve been debating ditching Prime because Amazon=bad but I=lazy apparently. Their “included with” library is pretty good, and if I wind up moving soon I have a hunch Prime shipping will be good, so I guess I’m keeping it …


Right? The shipping alone is worth the annual cost, but they also have all of this other cool free stuff. How do I say no :(