Movie Night Watch Party Megathread

I hope no one submitted this for my walrus category.

Riz Ahmed so good

Never thought about toothpick vs floss in public before.

Was the band name ā€œBlackgammonā€ really not taken before?

hearing test now? trying to catch up lol

Yeah, the doctor is talking with him about the results now.

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Going right back to drumming seems like a sub-optimal choice.

Addict gonna addict

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someone could make a good horror movie, incorporating some of these elements.


This is already gut wrenching. My feels for this guy.


Hopefully it ends better for him than the other two Riz Ahmed characters Iā€™ve seen.

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his ears are interesting lol big, cavernous

Wouldnā€™t be a good horror movie if people didnā€™t make terrible decisions.

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Iā€™m liking this so far.

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What minute are we on? Iā€™m watching this with yaā€™ll

Started exactly at 9:00.


The school teacher is cute

Paul Raci makes a great tough laced councilor.

Counselor seems to be treating Ruben as a bad guy. Doesnā€™t appear sympathetic to what heā€™s going through.