Movie Night Watch Party Megathread

Definitely a low-key Wicker Man / Midsommar situation going on here.

I think he knew Rubin was up to something, probably reaching out to the outside world which he was told was bad so heā€™s just being passive aggressively telling him he knew by having him do the activity

Maybe I should have, but I didnā€™t see that coming.

Oh man, thatā€™s his earhole.

Joe is doing an elite job playing the disappointed father figure.

Iā€™m not really sure what goes into the Best Sound Oscar, but this movie seems like it should win.

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I tried to watch the trailer earlier and the system glitched and instead pulled up the most recent episode Iā€™d been watching of Switched at Birth, which now that I think about that showā€™s deaf lead character, it was not such a glitch after all!

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Lou cleans up nicely.

ā€œI had to move some things aroundā€ is a bit misleading there, Ruben.

He finally got his moment of silent stillness.

Outstanding movie. Was definitely expecting one or both to have cheated on the other at some point.

So there is sound editing and sound mixing

Seems like it should win sound mixing. Also good movie. God losing hearing would suck.

They are combining these categories starting this year.

Ce soir, nous regarderons Le Goat Psychotique Dā€™American

Tonight is another delightful guest spot with Twin Peaks.

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Is there any interest in watching Eraserhead? Iā€™ve never seen it and I feel like I should.

Iā€™m interested and have never seen it.

one day george lucas ran into lynch and told him about how he and some other directors were out and they met stanley kubrick and kubrick invited them to his house to watch movies. when they got there, kubrick said ā€œi want to show you my favorite filmā€ and they watched eraserhead

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Iā€™ll be watching Judas and the Black Messiah tonight if anyone wants to join me.


Got it ready to go.

Hope itā€™s good.

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