Movie Night Watch Party Megathread


I’m up for Sound of Metal tonight if you are.

I’ll probably watch it tonight anyway, so if you don’t want to, don’t worry about it.

Sounds pretty great. I could be down for this with you guys another night if you hold off for now and give some heads-up.

Yeah, I could do it most nights that aren’t Tuesday or Thursday.

Sunday is the Superbowl obv, but I can be free any other night.

We’ll see if others are interested. Obviously, yeah, watching Super Bowl on Sunday.

I’m not in any big hurry to see it, though I am going to watch it before Oscar night.

Hope it was a good one. What’s it about?

how do I submit a movie for watching?

Reply to this post with your submissions and suggestions

Postponed because Trolly said he might be interested if he had some heads-up for a date in the future.

It’s about a drummer in a rock band who starts losing his hearing. Riz Ahmed (of The Night Of and Nightcrawler fame) is a favorite to get a lead actor Oscar nomination.

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@RiskyFlush, I say we do The Sound of Metal for Monday. idk how a metal band can only have two people in it but I guess we’ll see.

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If eyebooger is available on that day. I require their presence since it was they who began the Oscar madness.

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I would do this. Any time from 8 to 9 PM Eastern start.


@RiskyFlush are you going to create a banner for the movie tonight?

I will. Ty for the minder. Coffee incoming with a banner shortly behind.

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Yup. Me too.

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I guess this is experimental metal, like Sunn O)))))))))))))))))).

If it makes your ears bleed, it leads


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I like Sunn O))))))))))))))))).