Movie Night Watch Party Megathread

Welcome aboard!

I’m actually about 5m behind the time

Well, that’s it then. I’ll be back Tue!

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And Wednesday! Standard now will be to watch Twin Peaks on Wednesdays.

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The soundtrack that either made you a Hans Zimmer fan4lyfe or revealed you honestly wish he would just stop

My favorite review of The Dark Knight. I laugh as soon as I hear Korey’s opening praise.

Though Heath Ledger is credited with a well-deserved reinvention of the Joker, he once noted in an interview that he already had this “character” crafted for whatever role next deserved it. Just serendipity that he gave it to Nolan for the Joker, though I’m sure he refined it under Nolan’s expert character direction.

Because sometimes the truth isn’t good enough. Sometimes people deserve more. Sometimes people deserve to have their faith rewarded.

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Damn, they really sent kids off to war back then, didn’t they.

I guess I’m the only one watching. Damn, this movie is even better than I remembered. The attention to nautical detail in every shot and scrap of dialogue. Just criminal that they didn’t make a half dozen Master and Commander movies.


Watching late. Remember watching this back in the day, and liking it, but forgot pretty much everything.

The only real thing that I remembered were the big ship battle scenes in the rain. Which are fucking legit. But what is the glue is all the small scenes in between. The kid is a bad ass. Going on galapagos was cool. All that tying together for the ultimate plan.

Never realized there were something like 5 more stories worth out there for them to film. Is a shame it didn’t happen.

As far as his Bat-adjacent appearances go, Leahy had his most significant few seconds of screentime during The Dark Knight. The Joker (Heath Ledger) crashes Bruce Wayne’s fundraiser for Harvey Dent, and Leahy is the man who confronts him, yelling “We’re not intimidated by thugs.” The Joker responds by putting his blade against Leahy’s cheek and hissing about his daddy issues. "[Ledger] scared the heck out of me with the knife,” Leahy later said. “I didn’t have to act.”

My only complaint is that Master and Commander had one or two subplots that could have been cut out for time. Otherwise, that movie owns. Esp the part where the doctor gets to geek out on Galapagos Island for a day, how can you not love that.

It’s my favorite movie, probably seen it six times. Best line is

Blakeny: Tie your neck bands on your right upper arm to tell friend from foe. Davies, this arm, starboard arm!
Davies: Is that the one you got or the one you don’t got?
Blakeny: All right, that’s enough cheek Davies…


Dunno if you’re still up for watching Trial of the Chicago 7 tonight. I probably will either way.

But if you need some time away from this place or from TV or whatever, that’s obviously cool with me. Just do whatever you think is best and best of luck with real life stuff.

Gonna start Trial of the Chicago 7 soon if anyone wants to watch along.

Mom told me she wanted to go to Chicago, but her dad practically threatened to disown her.

In 1982, the Executive Committee of the United States District Court ordered that Hoffman not be assigned any new cases because of his age and complaints that he was acting erratically and abusively from the bench. However, he continued to preside over his ongoing cases until his death from natural causes the next year, a week before his 88th birthday.[6]

Gotta love these lifetime judicial appointments