Movie Night Watch Party Megathread

Also, I thought you were referring to Martin Sheen LOL

Made the wrong decision to watch Kentucky vs Alabama last night instead of The Departed. Hadn’t seen it since it came out. Movie is still a lot of fun with a hell of a cast and the Scorsese touch all over the place.


Who are you


Bravo sir

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I always assumed the line meant Delahunt was secretly another undercover cop, but Scorsese reveals that it’s supposed to be ambiguous. He may just be a criminal who discovered he’s not as evil as he thought.


I don’t have it in me to traverse a new story today. Let’s go with a classic from Fincher, Rosamund Pike, and Neil Patrick Harris.


When are we watching You’re Next?

Next week! I got Peacock just so I can stream it.

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Coming soon…Gone Girl 2

Bizarre seeing this kid all grown up. I’ll forever remember him as the Almost Famous punk.

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I love that the audience’s growing perception of IRL Ben Affleck as an asshole contributed to our experience of the movie

You can rent it from Prime I think.

That Peacock library tho

The lawyer is such a great performance from Tyler Perry. I wish he’d do more roles like this.

Going to be going in completely blind for Pieces of a Woman.

Don’t even know if it’s a drama or a comedy. All I’ve heard is that Shai LeBouf is in it.

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Glad to have someone else along for the ride

Went to Netflix search and typed in P-I-E and the top hit is “Serial Killer with Piers Morgan”. I think I’ll pass.

Okay, here we go.

IDK about you but I’m pretty sure this is a comedy

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Is this all one take?