Movie Night Watch Party Megathread

lmao he’s sketching rats storming the capitol building

Leo owning him.

He just squish and eat a bug?!

“I’m Irish. I’ll deal with something being wrong for the rest of my life.”

bartlett nooooooooo

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Now that’s a death gasp.

Leo dying makes me hate this movie every time. But I’ve also seen it ten or so times.


matt damon is cold af

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priest just said departed


hahahaha markey mark was the hero THE WHOLE TIME!!!


If Scorsese could make them like this every time…


he should remake parasite with all white actors


The American President is incoming

Not for nothing but one of Marty’s worst films

What makes it one of his worst?

“I’m speechless.”

“All evidence to the contrary…”

This is a good movie to watch with the girls :hugs:

Maybe they will remake this with a female vice president. Go ahead and base the character on Kamala (played by Maya Rudolph obv).

Predictable plot. You knew the outcome halfway through and it got the Oscar because he was overdue.

I mean stack it up against Taxi Driver, GoodFellas, Color of Money, Casino, Wolf of Wall Street, Gangs of New York which I can’t get into queue still…it’s below all of those at least right?

Not for me. I’ll watch Departed before all of those except Wolf of Wall Street.

Now that’s more about my taste. I’d say it’s objectively better than Gangs of New York and equal to Goodfellas.