Movie Fight Scenes Draft

I’ve agreed with most of SUB’s takes up to this point…but he is way out of line here

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Let’s keep this moving.

With my final pick in the draft I select:

Write up incoming.


FFA now right? I give you Jonathan Winters vs a gas station. It’s 1963 so keep it in mind but it was a great fight.

You had your chance.


Well fuck me. I had Blazing Saddles as my #1 undrafted comedy fight scene. But no you are right.

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Not FFA. @RiskyFlush then FFA.

Okay I’m allowing FFA.

RiskyFlush hasn’t been on in 5 days

Anchorman and Monty Python and the Holy Grail were in my top 5 comedy fights. Here are the rest:

#3: Shaun of the Dead - Pool Sticks in the Pub

Beating a zombie with pool sticks in sync with “Don’t Stop Me Now” just cracks me up.

#4: Army of Darkness - Ash vs Mini-Ash’s

5th is the entire short “The Crimson Permanent Assurance” a short that played before Monty Python and the Meaning of Life where a rebellion against The Very Big Corporation of America occurs after they fire an elderly British man who worked Crimson Permanent Assurance, their newly acquired company.

There’s a similar fight in one of the Naked Gun movies with the same garbage can gag, but I’m going to cheat and post this one from Police Squad! because I like it better:


And the Matrix fight scenes are cool and all, but come on, ultimate FIST PUMP moment:


This is the scene I was referring to from Rob Roy. It’s lolold and isn’t full of non-stop action, but watching Tim Roth’s foppish character duelling with Liam Neeson is like watching a cat playing with its prey.

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Could have gone with the first movie, but I thought the actual fighting in this one was more compelling:

Was there even a Jackie Chan pick?


Edgar Wright is all the superlatives:

EDIT: My pony is a zombie.

Great work, everyone. Somehow no one managed to pick the most iconic martial artist in movie history, that’s very impressive.


Good thing. Compared to today, his fights are pretty terrible.


I think there was one, but they came pretty close to whiffing on him as well.

I got that as the third best scene in The Matrix. Like literally the first movie. That’s how good the fights are.

I believe a fight from Legend of Drunken Master was picked.

I’m mixed on Jackie Chan fights. Sometimes the humor is so cheesy that it detracts from the scene.