Movie Fight Scenes Draft

Here are my five best American fight scenes not picked (or not picked during FFA)

Damn my top 2 remaining both have Keanu Reeves.

My remaining 3.

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Yup, I had that 300 fight in mind the other day. Atomic Blonde is an excellent pick.

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My favorite fight scene as a kid.


haha, I’m so glad Rothrock got an honorable mention, what an underappreciated B-movie legend. That whole scene is nuts.

Yeah I took drunken master

I almost used Lee vs Norris but that chest hair.

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No Bruce Lee is a joke.

Here’s a classic. Certainly draft worthy over some of the lol stuff that actually got picked. Just a good old fashion revenge beat down. He just toys with endboss level competition like the dude is a complete amateur.

As an actual fighter I agree but I’m a much bigger fan of the older dustier films like the Shaw bros.

This Akira scene should win the draft since it ends with a literal Big Bang.

Definitely could joke about all 9 hours or whatever of Goku v Frieza

The last fight in the second Raid movie is the best between the two movies imo.

Bruce Lee got beat up by Brad Pitt

Too bad that’s not a film. All the best anime fights are series.

I still think that Bleach has the greatest comic book death of all time.

Also Goku vs the ginyu squad is the best dbz fight.

History of Trunks end fight is actually good.

2014 Godzilla end fight finishing move was amazing.

I never made it past the cell saga. Gohan killing cell was awesome but it was just a higher kamayamaya.

Buu saga sucked, GT was so bad it’s not Canon but Super is good. Can just youtube the Goku black/Jiren fights