Moved Thread - The liberals here

As a mod, I left the liar accusation up to be met and addressed, and hid the more indisputable personal attack. I can end it here, but I think whatevs should be met with further action if he wants to keep up his crusade.

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Honestly I just ignore him so don’t care that much but this is yet another use of the special UP “2,500 strikes and you are out” rule which only applies to watevs. He has the longest leash on this site by orders of magnitude.

If he was even one degree right of center he would have been perma banned a year ago.

My post there “I’m not banning anyone else today” was because I was very frustrated and didn’t know what to do. I wanted to ban watevs for what he said to you, but for no reason and with him not participating here and him having said nothing about you, you had to remind everyone here for the hundredth time that you think watevs is the worst poster in the world.

Now watevs is a problem and maybe he is headed for a perma. I wouldn’t defend him. I probably won’t vote in it if it comes up. He seems not to care about the forum at all. He doesn’t generally even respond to people trying to help. But, to some degree he’s the monster that his critics created.

He lied about my past posting and called me a scumbag in a post like 5 posts up that got hidden.


came before this:

“a badge of honor hearing this from the guy who tells immigration activists that they don’t actually care about kids in cages, scumbag”

That’s what I was saying.

He was responding to you.

Oh fair enough.


Ok, thanks for understanding. Not saying your post was horrible. Just provocative.

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