Moderator Nominations: 6 Month Term beginning 7/1/22

The only issue I have is that it’s a bit of a pain to extract into an existing topic. Doable though once you get the hang of it.

This is a hassle on desktop too, I’ll type the exact title of a thread and Discourse will insist on showing me 5 other threads before the one I want sometimes.

Hmm, OK then… as long as you have no banlust I sanction this

fear not

Is anyone else running or can we get this moved on to the election phase? Jal? Jman? Boredunsocial? I’ll probably wait it out til early 2023

Jal is serving a 2 week banishment at the most inopportune time apparently

yeah, that should be 3 days max ala Jman, but Riggerban

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Whose job is it to remind everybody that we need to elect new mods? Because good job for doing that. @JonnyA edit meant to respond to the OP.

Did @yuv confirm he’s interested?

The worst is when it shows the right thread at first, but then a second later the list changes to a bunch of random threads. Have to click fast before the list changes.

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Just a reminder, we should probably get polls going on our 4 nominees.

I promise to respond to nothing other than banning whoever I think needs to be banned.




I’m gonna be the best mod UP has ever seen. Together we will lead UP into the greatest era of forum discussion of all time!

2 Likes (10)

unless you can give us discord emojis on UP.

in which case.



I’ll put you in charge of that.

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Voting is live!