Moderator Nominations: 6 Month Term beginning 7/1/22


We’ll amend the constitution for endless terms in your case.


I will say farewell to the site if this happens


Nominate @econophile


Would you prefer I nominate you?


I’d be a mod under the condition that I will only do cleanup of obvious spam accounts ect. I would never ban or silence anyone during my term.


What if being banned is their kink?


Looks like we already have 4 official nominees @Yuv @Tilted @econophile @clovis8

Great to see so many people engaged in the process!

Only other condition would be I can access mod features on iOS as I only access the site via my iPad. Never a computer.

I can mod ok from my iPhone. Not as convenient, but doable.

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The only issue I have is that it’s a bit of a pain to extract into an existing topic. Doable though once you get the hang of it.

This is a hassle on desktop too, I’ll type the exact title of a thread and Discourse will insist on showing me 5 other threads before the one I want sometimes.

Hmm, OK then… as long as you have no banlust I sanction this

fear not

Is anyone else running or can we get this moved on to the election phase? Jal? Jman? Boredunsocial? I’ll probably wait it out til early 2023

Jal is serving a 2 week banishment at the most inopportune time apparently

yeah, that should be 3 days max ala Jman, but Riggerban

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Whose job is it to remind everybody that we need to elect new mods? Because good job for doing that. @JonnyA edit meant to respond to the OP.

Did @yuv confirm he’s interested?