Moderator Nominations: 6 Month Term beginning 5/1/22
Per the new rules for establishing mods of this forum, anyone may post in this thread volunteering to serve a 6 month term as mod beginning roughly on 5/1/22 and ending on 11/1/22. Any volunteer post which receives at least 10 likes in this thread will be considered an official nomination that will move forward to a full forum vote. This thread will remain open for 3(ish) days.
Nominees from this thread will take the place of @Tilted on the mod team.
Full rules listed below.
Nominations and Elections. Two weeks prior to each Rotation Date, a nomination thread will be created in the About Unstuck forum requesting volunteers to serve as a moderator. Anyone who volunteers in the thread and receives at least 10 likes to their post will be nominated. After the nomination thread has been open for 3 days, the nomination thread will be closed, and another thread will be posted in About Unstuck with an individual poll for each nominee, which will will remain open for 3 days. Any nominee who receives at least two-thirds approval will be added to the mod team immediately. This means they should be in place for roughly 1 week prior to the Rotation Date, and a moderator’s term will last approximately 6 months and 1 week. For the sake of clarity, if a moderator’s six-month term ends on a Rotation Date of July 1, then they would be eligible for nomination in the mod approval process that leads up to the next Rotation Date (September 1). This rule replaces and makes all prior rules regarding mod terms null and void.
Oh shit. I only have 2 weeks left to go on a power trip? Better stop extracting derails and get to tripping.
Is there a way to make the banner look cleaner (e.g. just the topic and not all the text?)
edit - I think that worked.
I click Click here to go to Nomination thread and it just keeps bringing me back to this thread. I’m in an endless loop. I need a moderator!
Can we have a list of current mods and time they each have left?
4 posts were merged into an existing topic: About Moderation
I nominate @SvenO
Speaking of Mods coming back, @otatop any interest in another rotation?
Let’s keep this focused on current nominations. If you want to debate the rule on moderation limits, please use About Moderation.
Sure, I’ll nominate myself to split threads and move posts.
@whosnext Always seems to care about how modding is done here, so I nominate them
didn’t that guy used to mod a Nazi forum?
I am not familiar with any of the nazi forums and stuff despite reading them mentioned so often On Here