
And I’m not a big like “working class is awesome class solidarity” guy. But I won’t abide the elitist anti-working class posting.


Yeah, but that’s not easy. That’s why power should just be opposed…period. The idea that the educated or the wealthy or whatever are somehow better is absurd.


Can you guys please stop riling simp up? He just came at me like I’d insulted his mother over a pretty tame post in the LC thread.

In the real world I disagree with this totally. In a dunning-kruger way I think educated people are far more casual and less responsible with power. Thinking you know what is best for other people is bad and usually incorrect.


I mean that’s obviously true. Though I’d say it’s more of a rub than a slap I’m not into the whole pain thing (sorry clovis).


Lol. Neither am I. No need to apologize. :grin:

The General Secretaries of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union

1953 - 1953 Georgy Malenkov (Engineer)
1953 - 1964 Nikita Khrushchev (attended the Industrial Academy)
1964 - 1982 Leonid Brezhnev (Engineer)
1982 - 1984 Yuri Andropov (Major General)
1984 - 1985 Konstantin Chernenko (career bureaucrat)
1985 - 1991 Mikhail Gorbachev (Lawyer)


This is also just flat out delusional. I haven’t mentioned you doing your willy-nilly since this football spiking post in the other bad posters thread over in France BBQ (quoted below). That was a whole week ago. Nobody has mentioned you doing your willy-nilly since. Nobody at all. That was all fetid water under the bridge. Nobody mentioned it for a whole week… until you did. And you did so with community destroying condescension and disrespect.

I don’t know what to tell you… except let it go, for goodness sake. Stop bringing it up, stop being disrespectful… just stop.

Ahhh… doesn’t that feel nice my fellow UnStuckers !!!1!

It’s like all of a sudden out of nowhere we were hit with by the Willy-Nilly Tsunami. A fetid title wave of random post shuffling and mysterious post deletions. Since April 1st our community has been battered and bruised. I alone suffered 147 posts cast adrift to wash aground into random threads along with 17 posts sunk without a trace. Our community was stressing out and was disintegrating into a cesspool of meanness. Who knows how many threads were vandalized? I know the landlord thread was destroyed by the WIlly-Nilly Tsunami for sure. Yesterday, the UnStuck community reached it’s nadir. Even dog pix couldn’t save the day.

And then the pot stopped being stirred. Then the situation wasn’t being made worse and worse. Then the Willy-Nilly post shuffling stopped. Then the Willy-Nilly post deletion stopped. Then UnStuckers being mean to other UnStuckers just for the sake of being mean… well, started happening a lot less… we’re still UnStuckers, what can we say?

Cliffs: As soon as the community stopped being fucked with… the community mellowed out.

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So a version of DK where a person is oblivious to the impact of their actions as a direct relation to X?

DK may have been FPS there on my part.

I rather liked it but was still working out how to articulate the thought

It was fascinating to see this play out in the Chernobyl scene where the female scientist tries to tell the guy that formerly worked in a shoe factory that was now in charge of the local government that he should listen to her and he brushed her aside.


There’s definitely something about engineers in refineries, in my experience, where you can just tell they don’t care about the hardships they put other people through. But it’s typically only seen in the younger ones and goes away with age. The big problems occur when they get into the management track too quickly.

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Why fire someone when you can promote them?

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Idk the only person that’s lived under the regime confirmed it so well ya know.

Trump tho

It’s a very interesting thing about the misuse of science from the authoritarian “left” and the authoritarian right. (Left in quotes because imo left really means egalitarian) The Russians ideologically wanted it to be true that traits are learned. The right ideologically wants it to be true that traits are innate.

The Russians who did the incredible research on breeding tame foxes had to pretend that the whole thing was about producing fox furs.

Of course the right misuses science and of course “liberal” capitalists misuse science too. Power does what it wants, not what is right.

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Thanks for understanding my point, which is a basically a criticism of leftist thought. Like the US used to believe in the union movement bringing widespread prosperity to workers. It has to an extent, but those who have benefitted the most generally try to build a moat so they can protect their gains, be racist/nationalist, and pull up the ladder. Now, I’m all for more general and widespread prosperity (Germany does a decent job), but I think that depending on the workers of the world to get you there is how you end up with Trump. Why, because human being are not so smart, even folks like Marx, who was very smart. Instead, I’m for boring incrementalism, clear laws, and a strong safety net.

Simplicitus: banned for criticizing the ability of The People to fulfill their role in the science of history.

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So you’re saying he wasn’t a true Scotsman?


Micro, you seem to think I don’t like the working class or whatever and that I support rich people or whatever. My actual concern, if you flip the script a bit, is that I think you’re an inveterate optimist. Source: the entirety of human history everywhere, macro and micro. Like how do utopian colonies end up: exploitation, hierarchy, sex abuse. Empower the masses and they’ll elect Trump to oppress the vulnerable and show those smug pointy headed experts that they aren’t so smart after all.