
I’m offering a solution to the problem. If two posters just yell at each other but otherwise nether are doing anything worthy of being banned maybe banning them from each other is step between nothing and banning that should be tried.


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Ignore is a good solution, I’m talking about letting everyone know who you ignore and the reason why you are ignoring that person when you know that person will read it. I just think it’s silly.

Not calling you out specifically, I see it from a lot of different posters from time to time.


It is easier to efficiently ignore posts on this forum since they don’t show up in quotes like they did on 22. I’m not here to “work,” I’m here for fun so forgive me if I don’t feel like explaining how grocery stores work in the US as the first step in responding to someone’s posts.


Thanks for the clarification. There is a long history of letting people know you are ignoring them on the internets usually at the end of overly emotional arguments, I believe I did as much with Micro on the middle forum, it doesn’t do much good so I try to avoid those situations these days.

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Once again, I’m really only interested in the meta aspects here. And yes, I fully understand that for most (maybe all?) other Unstuckers, this isn’t the droid they are looking to have a conversation with. As I mentioned above, unless a lurker has an interest in the meta-stuff, I’d suggest skipping over these posts.

Not all changes in subject are benign, so to speak, and not all purported topics are honest, so to speak.

  1. Consider, attempting a derail by trying to change the subject to “ZOMG that’s Georgism” instead of Communism, or “The Temperance Police are running amok” instead of PC Police. That wouldn’t work today. Today, hardly anyone knows what Georgism is, or is aware that the Temperance movement still exist. But they both would have worked as propaganda, and as a derailment technique, 100 years ago.

The difference is that this kinda derailment technique only works if there is there is a contemporaneous, extensive, and sustained propaganda campaign being waged to keep these purported change topics in public currency. The difference being back in the 1920s, such campaigns were waged against Georgism, and against the Temperance movement, while now almost nobody gives a poop about them.

  1. These alternate purported change topics are never honest. Believe me. None of these trolls want to have a conversation about the nuts and bolts of the PC police, or explain what they mean by SJW, or tell us roughly how long ago people didn’t get upset over everything too much, or any of the crap at all. They are all just parroting the same exact non-sense they’ve effectively been trained to parrot by #1. They don’t care otherwise.

Just like red-baiters from the 1970s weren’t interested at all in the nuts and bolts regarding the actual Communists of their days…

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@staff, for the love of God can someone move this to the landlord thread?

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Is this thread a tryout for people to demonstrate why they might potentially be a problem poster?

Maybe it’s because the people you complain about are no impediment to me having the conversations that I wish to have in a forum such as this, but my basic stance is that people who complain about derailments tend to be crybaby bitches.

I don’t allow myself to get dragged into conversations I don’t want to have. I don’t feel the need for protection from the idiots who do let themselves get dragged into conversations they don’t want to have.

You asked what we should do about “civil” trolls. I don’t think the solution is banning them, if that is the direction you are going towards. If you think posts like that are things people shouldn’t read, then I have no problem with you reporting posts and initiating the mechanism where they can be automatically hidden.

Dude, I’m not complaining.

And dude, I haven’t suggested any possible solutions ITT.

I believe it’s a (meta) topic worthy of consideration and discussion. It’s certainly possible that perhaps, after that discussion had progressed, that a consensus could develop, and some actions could be taken. But certainly not guaranteed.

Of course, the best case scenario, would be that we as a community, adopted a general attitude that we prefer folks just use their self control and refrain from spewing shiz about the PC Police, or red baiting/etc. This again might come out of having this meta discussion. Or maybe not.

Lapka is the worst poster on this forum.


I like you better when you are saying every sporting event is rigged.

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You didn’t efficiently, bc you told her and everyone.

The post was a rephrasing of what she said about construction and landlording. So serious.

Which is immature. It’s getting in the last word and letting them know you won’t hear the response.

Just ignore them. Telling them you’re ignoring them is the opposite of actually ignoring them. It’s being petty.

I’m putting you on ignore.

Jeeze thanks dad! Can we get a soda on the way home? Sure, I’d love a LifeSaver!

OK Boomer

40 rushes for 8 yards a carry and not a single hold call.

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Why would the oline need to hold when the stats clearly show them dominating every play.

Nah. Difference between occasional differing opinion and full-on trolling.

Says worst poster on the site


Nice dude.