
Not that my opinion matters, I don’t think that particular post is perma worthy, but I still vote to ban because fuck that guy.

My argument is not based on any one post, but a body of work consisting of being nothing but an unfunny troll.

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Right but that’s mostly from the old forum right?

He shouldve probably been BOS from the beginning but slipped through the cracks. There’s very few other 2p2 posters I’d say that for, maybe chez and ins(el)oo

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He’s got like 60 posts here. I don’t think we’ve tied him decisively to a 2p2 account.

Well, shit. I thought I knew who he was and now I dont. Definitely a troll from the old forum though.



That post of his can be held up as an example of the sort of bad faith posting and trolling that people should be banned for.

When a group of people are chatting/arguing about something and someone else sits down to interject with deliberately inflammatory nonsense intended to disrupt the flow, it’s natural to ask them to stop or leave.

The only reason I saw his recent posts is because lol 4 month ignore maximum

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I get frustrated from time to time about that. It sucks enough that the software occasionally populates new thread posts with people I have on ignore. But I have learned to appreciate the occasional or just four-month reminder that putting them on ignore was the right decision.

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I’d like to call out @Crunchyblack as one of the worst posters on this site.

That’s what this thread’s for, right?

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I hope that’s not what this thread is for. If you think he’s causing so much of a problem that we should talk about banning him, then that’s what this is for. I hope. If it’s stupid childish OOT-style poster ranking, then no. I hope.


And to offset that cheap shot, I’d like to nominate @6ix as one of the best.


I like you

I’m not calling you out as one of the worst posters on this site but you could try reading the OP before posting:

I thought we could use a thread to discuss posters who may be causing some problems and what we should do about it.

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Maybe they should be done monthly or in response to user complaints so they don’t get so long one would feel obliged to skip to the bottom when someone has done you wrong?

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You still go there?

I say good riddance!

"I suggest we change the title of this thread to “Communist Wishes and Cavier Dreams.”

Let’s chat about this fool, and his kind of trolling.

First, red-baiting is trolling, flat out.

It doesn’t serve any possible positive purpose in the conversation. It never did, even when it was prevalent 30 plus years ago. Now, 30 years after this shiz has rightfully faded into obscurity, it can only be considered a knowing, and willful, and active attempt to derail a conversation.

What should we do about this kinda troll, a fool who isn’t un-civil, but is non-the-less actively attempting to derail our conversations.

Chesspain? Are you drunk, Sabo?



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Well maybe not before, but you have now for sure. No question about that.

To clarify, I’m not requesting any sanctions or any other moderation activity here. I realize that we are all under a lot of stress regarding the pandemic. I am 100% willing to take @zarapochka at her word, and chock this trivial incident up as an unfortunate and extra ordinary exception to an otherwise excellent poster’s resume. Shiz happens, no big deal.

My Q is intended was to address the general case.

It just so happens that this is a canonical version of what I’d call “Civil Trolling”. As in: how should we, as a community, handle this kinda pernicious and overt, yet civil, trolling?