
We all love community modding when the community is on our side, and not so much when it goes the other way. I feel like there’s a metaphor here somewhere.


I don’t know about a metaphor but Skinner ruminating on the kids is apt.

If someone wants Churchill perma’d, start a thread, make your case, and have a vote. Especially as he is something of a reg, this is absolutely not something a mod should just do.


Ehh, Bob gave him a little slash after the play to get under his skin and churchill went full Marty McSorley and swung it as hard as he could at his head.

Lost my bet.

Was pretty damn sure you were going to tell cuse he should volunteer to mod (again probably).

Refs always get the retaliator (you’re right, that’s why I said a bit).

Community modding is fine. The threshold for hiding posts is too low. I’m also pretty sure that of the many posts of mine that have been hidden, about 95% were hidden by the same clique of posters.

Nope never ever ever gonna happen. Also I’m pretty sure I’m just about the last person micro would suggest.

You’re seriously going to defend what churchill said? Have you read it?

I’m starting to get the impression that some people on this site get off on standing up for horrible posters as some kind of weird virtue signaling.

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Hiding posts is bullshit imo. Essentially no one should do it ever. Doxxing and maybe spam would be an exception.

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This came up with j recently. I don’t understand that.

Hiding posts just mean it’s something your parents don’t want you to look at. It’s something of a Streisand effect (at times, this was a time where it was useful imo).

I agree. I very rarely do it. I didn’t even flag churchill’s post, I eviscerated him for it instead.

Hence why I think the current system sucks. Like regs above a certain post count or read time or whatever shouldn’t be getting posts hidden by two users.

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I mean in my late teens/early 20s, I probably would’ve posted something like I assume churchill did in response to somebody who pissed me off. Had my share of anger issues and definitely took the internet way too seriously back then.



Only because you’ve already had a turn at modding. Otherwise, absolutely. And if you replaced one of the mods-for-life it’d still be a good thing.

Eta: I care very little about whether Churchill posts or not, but I care about how permabans are conducted (though not nearly as much as when I had some hope that this site would operate differently).

lol more crying about a post being flagged?

And Cuse if you feel the “moderation on this site is shit” feel free to become a moderator or offer a better course here in the moderation thread and get the community to agree on it

I’ve put the bet in for a regrading.

Seems like there was quite a bit of outrage at my modding, I assume very few people here would want me to mod again if for no other reason than to avoid another huge blowup when I take a stand on some principle that isn’t widely popular.

Regardless, modding sucks. It’s annoying, wastes extra time, and gets people absurdly pissed at you any time you make a judgment call. Plus it’s thankless. I certainly wouldn’t volunteer to do it again.

I’m abstaining from any vote on banning/not banning people. It has the potential to set a bad precedent if not now then in future threads like that.

If I was a pro hockey player, I’d be way better than Donald Brashear.

Never saw a post that I thought deserved to be hidden. But then again, I didn’t see what churchill said about me.

Sounds like both of you made obnoxious attacks though. What were you trying to accomplish by calling him an asshole? Did it work?

I think you’re wrong to ask for a perma, but that’s you all over, a firm impression formed long before the spat over alleged racism.

Don’t derail this any more please. If you want to you can PM me.

Bob was giving churchill a bit of needle, who over-reacted. These things happen and bob has taken it all rather better than you. Why is that?