
Gimmicks are allowed, and that poster is not a gimmick.

TIL zaraprochka isnā€™t a gimmick account

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More like you took a big shit yourself and then stepped in it.

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If somebody had their account anonymized it was presumably for a good reason and people should stop openly speculating about it because that kind of defeats the purpose.

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It wasnā€™t clear at the time of posting that his account had been anonymised; only that he had renamed it.

Sorry, changing topicsā€”I have reached the Discourse level where I can change titles. I will be changing any titles that contain ā€œshitā€, ā€œfartā€, ā€œassā€ and similar words. They are cringeworthy, puerile and beneath the level of discourse of this site. If that is unacceptably presumptuous of me then I will desist.


Please do it. And you donā€™t really need to notify others of your intentions, polite as it was - a consensus will emerge.

I donā€™t really care either way but this is a weird streak of puritanical adherence to clean language that has never made any sense to me. The word fuck can be kinder than the word love. Itā€™s all context.

When itā€™s in a large bold font that colleagues and children will see, itā€™s not about Puritanism.


I strongly agree with jal. Topic titles are the public face we present to the world and reflect on the entire community.

Fart is the standard expression in the UK, but ā€œTrumpā€ used to be used as a more polite expression when I was growing up. Donā€™t know if that is countrywide though as I havenā€™t head it so much since I moved South


Chaucer and Shakespeare are full of people farting. The prudish Victorians liked to pretend bodily functions and needs didnā€™t exist, but weā€™re getting over that now.

Itā€™s a word we use - but we tend to talk about the weather more than farting - is it a common topic of conversation in the US?

ā€¦ but there is this guy ā€¦



What does ā€œslow modeā€ mean? Iā€™m trying to de-escalate a thread I havenā€™t posted in for 30 minutes and Iā€™m being prevented from posting at all.

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My genuine feedback is that an hour is too long. Give people 10 minutes to think through their posts and self-regulate before responding, but an hour just shuts things down at the peak of tension and leaves people walking away with a negative experience.

We want people to de-escalate and re-engage via good-faith conversation. Not to shut things down while everyone still has a bad taste in their mouths.


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The only way to de-escalate is for people to stop posting.

I get where youā€™re coming from, but I think this underestimates most of our users quite a bit.

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Ban gimmick accounts