
Lack of moderation


the government didnā€™t say you donā€™t have to pay it, as far as Iā€™m aware the eviction moratorium does not allow landlords to evict for non payment due to covid reasons for the time being and once the moratorium is up they can go after the tenants for the balance, at least thatā€™s what I thought it was here in Chicago

No, we have like 1 official rule everyone voted on and it was basically ā€œdonā€™t be a dickā€.


I think it would need to be a poll, laying out your reasons for requesting a ban. I agree itā€™s probably a gimmick and am not swayed by the Wookie argument that a poster with the same handle was on 22 (that may also have been a gimmick or could be a different person altogether). Different IP addresses mean zilch.

I remember MB suggesting once that NBZ should reveal who he was on 22 or face a ban, though it petered out. The same might be apt here.

Seems they changed accounts to that one permanently as far as I can tell, I wouldnā€™t call that a gimmick


I donā€™t really care but wanted to mention it.

Because they said they have you on ignore? haha


Doesnā€™t Discourse let you change your displayed username?

ā€œI forgot to block her since switching to this handleā€ doesnā€™t support that theory.

This isnā€™t a gimmick. Itā€™s a regular poster that completely changed accounts.

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This request seems like Exhibit A for the ā€œwritten rules arenā€™t helpfulā€ crowd. It looks to me like zarapochka is mad at Melfi because they had a little spat and now sheā€™s trying to use an unrelated ā€œruleā€ to get Melfi banned.

Melfi seems like an overall acceptable poster so this request isnā€™t very persuasive to me. If zarapochka wants Melfi banned she should make her case based on something more substantial, not ā€œrulesā€ nittery.


I support someone switching accounts if they feel their reputation is irreparably damaged and they wanted to start fresh. But, that could be fraught with issues. I think it should be a rare case but I donā€™t really see many issues with that poster. He/she/they are a little bit trolly, but otherwise hasnā€™t been really egregious or annoying.




The forum belongs to everyone, so if you have time you could draw up some rules you like and start a new thread for them.

Itā€™s someone with the snappy handle of [redacted], a donor who hasnā€™t posted since 23rd September. Canā€™t think why heā€™d want to change that.

Mystery solved; nothing sinister; everyone as you were.

Youā€™re probably better off ignoring each other if you wind each other up so much. Heā€™s not a super high volume poster so it wonā€™t affect forum readability. Iā€™ve got half a dozen of the fuckers on ignore and itā€™s a massive improvement.

This refers to a deleted account. The original account name was linked to the posters IRL name. No big deal. Stand down and stand by.


Ok. Seeing as how he participated in a walrus itā€™s not too hard to figure out who he is from the score card (I love puzzles) :grinning:

Today is a VERY good day. Maybe we donā€™t need a pointless moderation pissing match today? Just saying.

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