Michigan terrorist group arrested for plotting to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer.

Gonna admit, when people ask what the response would be if antifa had a plot against a Republican governor, my initial reaction is that it depends on which governor.

Why have you not reported both that poster and Chiefsplanet to the FBI?


I’ll totally do it. What the best place to report this to? Will they actually do anything?

That poster is definitely living in a fantasyland, more so than most of them. Like, he straight-up believes Trump is going to win in an unprecedented landslide. Might legit snap if Trump loses.


Start here


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It’s not just that poster though. The site has some culpability for continually hosting that kind of unabated garbage and they should damn well know it.

Doesn’t seem to meet the criteria of speech that intends to cause a lawless action that is both imminent and likely.


Man you go to bat for all the best people.


My absolutely psychotic right wing coworker calls Whitmer “Hitlemer.” He does not live in Michigan. For reasons unclear to me, the true psychos absolutely hate her.


She is a woman who believes in science.


Because she is a woman, and pretty, and in power, and of the opposing political party. Nothin deeper going on than that. They only like women in politics if they have an R next to their name and they are properly subservient.


Yeah, deporables here in Ohio are furious with DeWine even after he gave up trying to fight COVID.

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She says a lot of mean things about dear leader apparently. And woman.

lol Pissonmybac will have us believe they’re not right wingers guys totally


Like one of them is a racist anarchist. So of course chiefsplanet is doing backflips all over the place. The other guys are known boogaloo and right-wing nutjobs.

We are definitely getting some circle convergence between the racist anarchists and the boogaloo guys.

Go to bat for? Pointing out the CP post is likely constitutionally protected speech isn’t exactly defending anyone.

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In Florida the Governor can basically just fire an elected sheriff at will, apparently. That’s what Deshitface did with the Broward sheriff after the Parkland shooting because he was mean to the NRA. Can that happen in Michigan?

I read the affidavit and this doesn’t seem to be the case. There wasn’t a planted FBI agent, there were two sources in the militia, one of which seemed to provide most of the evidence. Dude wore a wire and recorded encrypted facebook chats (lol). It doesn’t sound like he was driving things but who knows, he could have been. The FBI affidavit is obviously one sided. But it wasn’t like one of the dudes was an actual FBI agent like Stan Beemon under cover with the white supremacists.

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