Miami High Rise Collapse

They offer help they dont just sent it. Do you think you would have let in a rescue team from Cuba, China or Russia? I doubt that. Hell Trump wouldnt even have let in the Mexicans. The relatives are already getting agitated and rightfully so. Even before any foreign crew can be there will take time. Time potential survivors might not have.

They are dead. There is no ā€œrescueā€ going on. Anyone that survived the collapse has had to deal with 100 degree temperatures from the sun, a fire below, and no water to drink in the past 4 days. Itā€™s just a matter of removing the bodies and making it as dignified as possible.

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A month after an engineerā€™s report flagged ā€œmajor structural damageā€ at Champlain Towers South, the chief building official for the town of Surfside told residents the condominium was ā€œin very good shape,ā€ according to minutes from a November 2018 board meeting obtained by the Miami Herald.

Ross Prieto, who left the post last year, had reviewed the engineerā€™s report, the minutes say. Records show condo board member Mara Chouela forwarded a copy to him two days earlier.

An email posted on the townā€™s website shows that Chouela sent Prieto two reports: the ā€œstructural field survey reportā€ by engineer Frank Morabito of Morabito Consultants detailing the buildingā€™s structural deficiencies, and a mechanical and electrical engineering report by Thomas E. Henz. P.E. And it was Chouela who introduced Prieto at the meeting with five of the seven board members, along with property manager Alexandria Santamaria, condo board lawyer Marilyn Perez and interested residents who had gathered in the buildingā€™s recreation room.

Hydrogen embrittlement failure on hardened or high strength steel parts is a huge concern in a lot of industries but especially aerospace. I work for a company that applies coatings to these parts and aerospace folks are terrified of hydrogen embrittlement. We are required to post bake a lot of stuff at ~400F to allow the hydrogen to diffuse out of the part but there are defintely companies that are fudging this step. Knowing what I know about the coating industry Iā€™m shocked we donā€™t see a lot more failures in the field.


This is simply not true. There is always a huge issue with these mass casualty events where FAR more ā€œhelpersā€ arrive on scene than can reasonably be deployed.

I heard that the families made the request to the Israelis for help on the news last week.

ā€œI donā€™t know anything about it,ā€ he said. ā€œThatā€™s 2018.ā€

Asked Sunday about the November 2018 board meeting, Prieto declined to comment, citing the advice of an attorney.

You donā€™t say dot jpeg

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Along the border, the US and Mexico routinely send each other disaster relief assistance when thereā€™s a fire or flood or whatever. Mexico coming to Florida is odd but maybe they happen to have some specialized recovery teams ready to go?

I donā€™t think the US would ever turn away bona fide help from China or Russia. Or at least, Iā€™d like to see a government official explain to families why weā€™re refusing help.

Is this different in Germany? If there was a disaster and Russia sent in a rescue crew would people say ā€œno way?ā€

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The astonishing disaster of the sudden collapse of a 12-story condo building in Miami, Florida is sad. The slow rescue work has also made those concerned about the matter anxious. Rescuers have apparently made heroic efforts, but the large pile of rubble is generally staying intact as of now. The reported casualties are 5 dead and more than 150 missing. The USā€™ rescue capability with emergency situations is much worse than people think.

More than 72 hours have passed since the building collapsed. However, the rescuers have still been unable to go deep under the rubble. There is no outstanding technique or method that can be used urgently to help break the deadlock. Many rescuers are unable to help. This is regrettable. The delay in rescue actually means that hope of survival is running out for those buried in the rubble.

Thatā€™s what I mean and I am not the only one who spins it that way.

The Chinese press isnā€™t exactly the No-Spin Zone with Bill Oā€™Reilly

Heard today that the main thing the Israeli team did was tell family members that the current crews working the scene really are doing the best possible job given the situation. Iā€™m pretty comfortable believing that in USA #1 we have the manpower and equipment to handle the job. But if the crews from other countries can offer some ideas, or simply just confirm that the best methods are being employed, I think thatā€™s good too.

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Itā€™s so depressing that very little can be done right now.

Not decrying lack of effort just the reality of the circumstance.

Did have the weird ā€œwonder if someone who lived there but was not thereā€ will use this to reset their life somewhere else.

Imagine being this dude.


A professor I took a quality control class from did a lot of research and consulting in this area. That was 20 years ago. There seemed to be, at the time, a pitched battle going on between people who thought it should be taken more seriously and those who considered it a boogeyman. Hydrogen in metals has a very peculiar history, to say the least. Goes back well over a hundred years I think.

Edit: I donā€™t think it has anything to do with this case though?

Dirty developers. Shocking. All dead now though.

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No I donā€™t think itā€™s related just Clovis comment about airplane parts cracking made me think about it.

Iā€™m inclined to believe it is a real issue based on the millions or billions of dollars spent to mitigate it in aerospace and automotive parts but there are definitely specs that go overboard calling out stress relief measures. Iā€™ve seen some failed parts, itā€™s pretty wild to see a big M16 bolt head sheared straight off.

Souvenir I held onto for some reason: 3/4" (19 mm) socket head cap screw used as an explosive bolt I made in my aerospace days.



Thatā€™s crazy, heā€™s 4-0?

Seriously though that is a crazy bit of luck and escape.

I donā€™t know how those experiences canā€™t epically alter oneā€™s approach to life. Very amazing. Plus that family put in good work helping others.

DeSantisā€™ press secretary isnā€™t happy that regulation has been polticized so soon after a disaster. Where are the thoughts and prayers Ken?

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Part of being a politician is eating shit every time something bad happen on your watch. Eat it bitch.