Miami High Rise Collapse

They didn’t miss that. Civil engineers are pissed that the Spanish bridges are stealing American bridges jobs. Probably taking people across the water at half the price. You know they won’t miss anything like that on the inevitable Donald J. Trump bridge.

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Did you watch the video. They clearly missed it.

Interesting video. I’m kind of baffled at how nobody flagged the crack before they actually did - the photo where it was clearly visible from the kayak 5 years ago is pretty damning.

I always look at large cracks/holes/rusted out elements/etc on bridges and tunnels and stuff and convince myself that if I see those things, of course some structural engineers can also see them and haven’t raised any red flags, so it’s all good. I’m really doubting that now.


In general, North American infrastructure is very safe and highly regulated. The rarity of these failures is evidence of how safe it is so people shouldn’t get too worked up. There are more than 617,000 bridges in the US. Overall, there is a very small failure rate.

Right, but this is definitely not something you want to take for granted. The reason that this stuff is so safe is that much of it was built during a time, and the regulations where built during a time, when there was an increasing trust in science and technology. Looking forward, the anti science attitudes and the lack of social cohesion in a decaying empire are major headwinds to public safety. The Don’t Tell Me To Wear A Mask crowd is well and truly teed up for Don’t Increase My Taxes Because Some Egghead Engineer Says So public policy.


It’s not infrastructure if you can’t drive a car on it.

Seriously, though, Dems need to exploit this politically and tie the infrastructure bill to this somehow.


Yeah I saw that too. Maybe the kids survived and were plucked off the building in the early hours. Or maybe they weren’t there.

It was in Missouri btw.

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CNN and other sites blindly following the conservative rule of not reporting dead until known is leading to some confusion like we had yesterday morning. I just saw a headline that said “At least 4 dead, 1 injured”. Not really conveying the gravity of the story there guys.

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Yeah, this. We have essentially been doing it for most of my life already. I think what we are going to see with the Miami Condo is a microcosm of what we are doing across the country re: infrastructure, I’m sure there will
Have been warning s about various structural engineers but the HOA balked at the proposed cost to make the repairs. Same thing we see across the country, engineers have been sounding the alarms for years now giving our infrastructure report card grades like D- over and over and nothing happens. Mitch McConnell can’t let the D’s have a victory by passing even the most obvious basic Maintenace package for our country so he rules everyone up about taxes and uncontrolled government expansion and critical race theory and nothing happens.


When was the last time that any of you think Jeff Bezos or any of these other billionaire donor class people had to rely on any infrastructure for their day-to-day? These fuckers are flying around in private jets and commuting by helicopter. They are so far insulated from these problems other than maybe as some footnote in a financial report they may or may not read, there’s no hope here so long as they control the levers of government.


This feels like another area where the US is heading for a K shaped outcome. When public infrastructure starts to fail, the wealthy will pull up their drawbridges and create privately controlled alternatives. There will be a paid use good road and a shitty public road.

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Why does the number of missing keep rising drastically? It seems like the severity of this has been intentionally downplayed from the beginning.

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I don’t think so. How would they easily know who is missing? That would take hundreds of calls, follow up and scouring several databases.

You have renters, subleases, people on vacation ect.

You only report confirmed dead/missing/etc. The numbers rise as more people are reported as missing by their loved ones.

It’s better to underreport the initial numbers and come up rather than give an inflated estimate and have to go down.

Oh shit. Are we heading for Roof Roadz™?


All the homeless people can live in camps in the shadow of elevated roadways. At least until the elites figure out how to solve that free rider problem.

I think it will be more like an Altered Carbon-type future. Ultra wealthy literally living above the rest of society never mixing among the commoners.

DeSantis says he wants to know what caused the building collapse in a “timely” fashion, saying the families need to know and blah blah blah. Just because “what caused this?” is an easy question to ask doesn’t mean the answer will be very simple. But simple people want simple answers.