Miami High Rise Collapse

Was talking to some of the building science guys in my company and they said if it’s internal concrete issues it could take a long time to figure out.

I’ve read several references to problems with the pool leaking into the parking garage, that seems like the kind of thing that could cause real problems if there was enough leaking for a long enough period of time.

As America’s infrastructure begins to collapse around it due to decades long severe lack of investment we’re going to get a whole lot of confused tucker face.


The oryx and crake idea of the wealthy cloistering themselves off in compounds built by giant corporations while the rest of us stay out in our crumbling world hit me pretty hard.

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It’s not just billionaires. Millionaires do it too. Kobe Bryant died because he he didn’t want to sit in traffic.

I was living in Central Florida when Hurricane Irma hit. I was stranded for 2 weeks because the road I lived on was flooded on both ends. So no one could in or out. Except John Travolta. Because he had a 4K acre property down the street and used his helicopter while everyone else was stranded.


we’re already pretty much there. not by altitude, but in basically every other regard.


At the moment, the lives are the rich are still slightly tainted by the proximity of the poor. Sure, it’s nice to have poor people clean your toilets and such, but then you have to let them into your private space to do that. It’ll be much better when we have robots for that. Also, the delivery people sometimes come right up to the door to drop stuff off - too close. We really need better buffers between the Valuable and the Undesirables.

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Usually it’s because they want to know “whose fault is this so we can punish them.” Even though colossal failures like this are often have multiple failure points (i.e. improper design + lack of inspection).

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There are going to be so many lawsuits over this.

Re division of society: Star Trek got there a while ago.


SPOCK: The surface of the planet is almost unendurable. To restrict a segment of the population to such hardship is unthinkable in an evolved culture.
DROXINE: The surface is marred by violence, like the Troglytes. But here in Stratos, we have completely eliminated violence.

From ep The Cloud Minders.


Is that what Carlson show is now? Him repeating phrases back to people?

“Where’s the Beef?”

“Show me the money!”

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Yeah but you can construct a headline to explain the circumstance better.

The chance of only four people being dead is almost zero. You can convey there are likely more dead in the missing total.

It does come across as completely downplayed especially for headline writing which is how so many people get informed these days.

I guess they can just cross out the four and write a new number every time.

And I get why they don’t want to over report but in that desire here they are not properly conveying what happened.

That article and report seem pretty damning

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Does sound like the condo board was told of the damage and chose to do nothing.

They probably built a gazebo or something instead.


My dads theory is that the columns in the parking garage got hit by so many senior drivers over the past 40 years that one finally gave in. Those garage pictures make that actually seem like it may have contributed.


From the NYTimes article

At the ground level of the complex, vehicles can drive in next to a pool deck where residents would lounge in the sun. Mr. Morabito in 2018 said that the waterproofing below the pool deck and entrance drive was failing, “causing major structural damage to the concrete structural slab below these areas.”

The report added that “failure to replace the waterproofing in the near future will cause the extent of the concrete deterioration to expand exponentially.” The problem, he said, was that the waterproofing was laid on a concrete slab that was flat, not sloped in a way that would allow water to run off, an issue he called a “major error” in the original design. The replacement would be “extremely expensive,” he warned, and cause a major disturbance to residents.

In the parking garage, which largely sits at the bottom level of the building, part of it under the pool deck, Mr. Morabito said that there were signs of distress and fatigue.

After watching a surveillance video showing the collapse of the building, Evan Bentz, a professor at the University of Toronto and an expert in structural concrete, said that whatever had caused the collapse would have to have been somewhere near the bottom of the building, perhaps around the parking level. Though he had not seen the 2018 report at the time, he said such a collapse could have several possible explanations, including a design mistake, a materials problem, a construction error or a maintenance error.

“I’d be surprised if there was just one cause,” Mr. Bentz said. “There would have to be multiple causes for it to have fallen like that.”

More coverage of the 2018 engineering report from the Miami Herald:

Miami has a King Tide. I’m sure that was a factor.

They were probably voting against any work that would increase monthly condo fees.