Miami High Rise Collapse

I’m guessing everyone is dead but they just don’t want to confirm it just yet


But even then wouldnt you see footage of people being carried away. I know the American system is different since the ambulance tries to get patients to the hospital to see a doctor. In Germany you usually have an emergency doctor coming to the scene as well. Not sure how it is different in these mass casualty events. I saw footage of the Eschede train disaster where everyone pulled from the wreck was examined by doctor to be pronounced dead before being carried away.

I don’t think they’re digging in earnest to look for bodies. They’re treading very carefully and trying to detect if there are survivors. I doubt there are any. But due to instability of what’s left of the building, and the desire not to really disturb the debris piles at this point, they are not finding bodies. At some point, they will declare an end to the “rescue” effort and the beginning of the “recovery” effort. And if officials tell CNN that bodies have been recovered, you can rest assured CNN will report it. Why wouldn’t they?

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Man this is absolutely tragic. Footage of rescue teams inside the rubble shook me. I think I looked at this building, or one of it’s neighbors, when I was considering a move to the area last year.

Desantis visited the site yesterday. It’s a damn shame he couldn’t have done so a day earlier.


Yeah. Im properly shook by the part of the building that stayed standing for a while before collapsing. Imagining waking up to that.

Looking like this is very likely to exceed the Hyatt disaster as the most deadly civil infrastructure accident of all time.

Some engineering firm is going out of business.

The Kansas situation was a bit different because the building was only a year old - hard for the engineers to claim that it wasn’t a design mistake. And there was a direct line from the engineer approval of a change in the structural design to the collapse.

Here we’re talking about a 40 year old building I think. There will be arguments about design vs maintenance.

For sure but likely an engineering firm has been doing structural assessments. So their will be some firm on the hook on the design and maintenance side.

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The first image with the kids bunk bed. Ugghhh :disappointed_relieved:

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Fuck those pictures are awful.

Mayor of Surfside being interviewed on NBC Miami affiliate: “Buildings don’t fall down in America. That’s a third world phenomenon, not a first world phenomenon.”

What an asshole.

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I believe someone posted Tucker Carlson said that to him, so probably using Fox News to get his marching orders

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The extent of the damage was much less as well, giving access to where it started. It’s possible this will never be solved due to the extent of the damage to where the collapse looked to have started. May some forensic engineer will figure something out from the drawings or something.

The Kansas hotel incident is very famous because a) the fatality count is/was shocking and b) the whole thing can be attributed to one decision about how to organize some pins in a suspended walkway. So it is both a disaster story and an instructive story about the attention to detail in construction engineering. One interesting thing I read was that it was actually a part of a wider pattern at the time of structural failures. I am not an expert on this stuff by any means but the article I read was saying that the US was actually going through a rash of rushed construction and there were other equally bad engineering mistakes but that did not result in headline grabbing deaths. I wouldn’t at all be surprised to see another outbreak of engineering disasters in the US this decade, the combination of intention underfunding of all things public and explicit anti-science sentiment is a formula for a bunch of civil engineering disasters.

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Pure luck avoided a mass casualty event in Memphis just last month. The bridge had been regularly inspected.

I watched the clip that was posted, and I think the Surfside mayor said that first, and then Tucker repeated it back to him.

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The mayor said it to T.C. who then said it back to him. The video is in post #47

Apparently my pony said it last. At least I have a talking pony…


I love Practical Engineering, it’s super interesting and educational. Every time I watch a couple of these videos I want to quit my office job and go back to school to become an engineer that builds models for fun in the garage.


You guys are much braver than I to actually watch a Tucker video

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