META: About Unstuck splintering into SPE

I don’t speak the language, my bad.

You are suppose to be good at trolling?

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Exactly. You are dropping the ball looking for shit at SPE to get upset about. You and your gang of PM’ers have nothing better to do. SPE lives rent free in your head!

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Is this jmakin or someone making fun of him? Hard to tell.

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It’s not Ron?

It might be. That’s the second option I suggested.

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But hey, we have our first “hypocrisy” sighting from our very own Mr @Trolly. Drink up


You’re welcome to ask for a quote.

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Grunching but

Which one is that?


walrus category

He knows that

so why is he posting a screenshot of the forum categories? it makes him look stupid. I believe he didn’t know that.

i do admit that it’s weird given the very post he was replying to, but i want to believe AQ.

I have asked you nicely to stop @ing me multiple times now.

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He’s counting on people skimming

It’s worked so far on all kinds of his lying campaigns for a year now


All part of the sales job. Never present faults to the prospective customer base.

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I don’t participate in Walruses so I ignore that and didn’t realize they have categories but I guess we can just call me a stupid liar and move on.

So you don’t like music?


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Amazing that a “moderator” won’t even grant basic courtesies like this.

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So i was right. You need to have more faith in people, AQ.