META: About Unstuck splintering into SPE

Rofl. Not sure how asking people to pick out a song with at least one line in French rips on anyone, but I can’t stop someone from wanting to be offended.


It was a great walrus, don’t listen to the haters.

this is not true, and especially funny how you say something given your ludicrous libelslander talk earlier, carry on.

Is that really the basis of the claims? I’m not doubting you; it just seems hard to believe.

Did you push back on those posts? You’re a member in good standing of SPE, did you talk to the people involved or notify the moderation team about these inappropriate posts?

Why is the moderation on our other site being talked about here?

no, i just don’t post there. someone else who doesn’t post here came to this forum to say how their forum is so much better and has no hate or grudges. both are lies. so i corrected them.

none of this conversation would have happened had said person not came here to spam his hate site.


He is a member here therefore it’s not spam. This place is losing members left and right and we just want to show everyone that there is an alternative that doesn’t allow this type of nonsense. You can just shoot the shit with a bunch of buddies.

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Because my understanding is that it can’t be talked about there. Personally, I see no reason why it should be discussed here, but since we have a thread about SPE, so long as it’s contained to this thread, I don’t see any reason why it shouldn’t be allowed.



I am making the totally reasonable request that if (the plural) you want to make accusations or criticize people, that those accusations be factually accurate.

Maybe it seems like I’m nitpicking, but this NBZ situation is already super frustrating to me, where I find myself asking which of his violent fantasies is or isn’t beyond the line. Of course I’d prefer if he didn’t post violent fantasies at all.

In this case, to me, “Fantasizing about raping” is fantasizing about committing a violent criminal act, while “Fantasizing about hate fucking” (as I understand it and as it’s defined here) is neither violent nor criminal.

What does this have to do with the accusation that “a smaller number of posters […] were discussing which politicians they wanted to rape”? Is this an admission that it didn’t actually happen?

@spidercrab a compromise idea might begin with simply a ceasefire on any mention of SPE

Every single aspect of it described by their creators has been a lie, and whenever people choose to correct those lies, it gets heated

So just nip it all in the bud

I haven’t read SPE regularly but decided to check.

I think the Friday one is perfectly fine and not trolling - it’s just a clip from ITYSL that people like.

The others are clearly trolling the captain’s/UP drama. Not that I think there is anything wrong with Wookie doing a bit of trolling, just seems odd he’s denying it and not just owning up to it (some are even a bit clever).

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Not if you’re familiar with him


it’s perfectly fine to troll whoever they want.

Goofy literally came here to gloat about how on SPE they do not talk about past drama, unlike this place he hates. The whole thing where people lie constantly is really weird to me.


Goofy left here because it is intolerable, something he always said I did, which isn’t true, and he came back because he isn’t strong enough to live his principles, something he always said I did, which isn’t true

Life is funny


It was disappointing to hear there wasn’t a category for songs to listen to while driving a long way in the rain after being blown out by two females.

This might win


I didn’t deny making light references. I denied ripping anyone. The idea was taking some past associations in a new, different, and silly direction.


So? You’re over there reading posts and not pushing back against objectionable content. Instead you head to UP to complain that nobody is pushing back against the objectionable content over there.

Which would be hypocritical enough if you, a UP moderator, didn’t also seem to be totally unconcerned about a long-term reg leaving UP because of foolish shit NBZ is posting here. Maybe worry about that instead?