META: About Unstuck splintering into SPE

The horror! Can’t imagine what your reaction would be if he argued at length that a certain ethnicity is destined to be either conquered or genocided and denying that reality will only make things worse.

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What does that have to do with his attitudes towards COVID denialism? This entire forum has adopted Republican style attacks of whataboutism and non sequiturs. My entire point is that, whatever flaws Wookie may have had, his desire to protect the forum on COVID was sincere and came from a good place. Whether he used “ghetto” in a racist manner is wholly irrelevant to that point. It makes it look like you just want to cause drama by going back to it because you can’t attack him while sticking to the topic.


Discourse should allow people to give worthless crypto to posts instead of hearts.


Thought you nailed it, but turned out it was 1943. :pensive:

The Discourse creators were talking about implementing web3 into a future release, so maybe we’re not far off from that.

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Using that meme makes it look like you also just want to cause drama.

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i’m just imagining what kind of good original content SPE can host that would make me want to read it. and then i’m thinking okay maybe if i ranked all 235 episodes of friends (1994-2004) on there, that would be a reason for basically everyone to read the site every day for a couple weeks. and i think if they paid me, i’d do it. i’d do a series 2 of my extremely popular thread on their site for the right money.

(btw if they already had a crypto coin system in place, this deal would be so easy)


Sounds more like a reason to block the place.

Now if you were to do Columbo…

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I’m sure you could get funded enough to do the Simpsons.

i couldn’t do the simpsons. there are like 23+ seasons now where i hate every episode


Rank every episode of Star Trek: Voyager.


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Rank every episode of Police Squad.

I would be keen to see reviews of 1980s tv pilots where the shows didn’t last more than four episodes. I used to dream this could be a tv station.

The problem is not really the motivation or MrWookie’s opinion on the issue at the time, but rather not taking the decision on wether to moderate a novel issue to the community he was trying to protect. Thinking this place, of all places, needed such protection was a mistake but neither here nor there. Putting one’s own opinion over others and acting on it in a position of power was inappropriate. We know this is something that happens all the time, that power gets abused if it’s not actively avoided.

Columbo or The Rockford Files

Street Fighter vs Mortal Kombat
Super Mario vs Sonic the Hedgehog
PC vs Mac
Bert vs Ernie
RoboCop vs Terminator
Godzilla vs Kong
James Bond vs Jason Bourne

Highlander: The Series

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Incredible that you still echo this same lie. An awareness that other white people of upper middle class status might hesitate to go to one of the roughest communities in the Bay area is not racist. As for my comfort level there, I fucking lived there for several years. I’m so afraid of it that I made it my home.