META: About Unstuck splintering into SPE

How much do you think the % skews when constantly faced with interactions like the one you offered here? You are the troll in this conversation.


Alex please be referring to me.

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You should have some self reflection rather than doubling down and trying to troll me also.

Of course he knows how insulting he is being. That’s the point.

My bad, what I meant was keep in mind what I said about me insulting people. So, it’s not a judgment on the badness or goodness of the act of insulting, it’s asking whether you’re aware what you said to keeed was super insulting?



i legit think you should be banned for a couple weeks but only as an illustrative teaching moment; i/we have been banned for waaaay less

and for the lulz i mean come on, some bans can be pretty hilarious

i only get tilted by them when they happen mid-conversation

but if i was banned like RIGHT NOW that would also be hilarious

This is pretty amusing because I would rate keed’s “constructive post” to “bullshit” ratio to be much higher than most posters. There are many posters here who have never participated in a constructive conversation at all in their thousands of posts. I’m probably one of them.

To criticize keed for having bad takes or whatever is one thing, but to actually pretend that the reason he’s been shit on and banned is because he didn’t make enough constructive conversation is hilarious.


But I’m already posting more on this subject than I wanted to. Again, some people just wanted more of a social club and a safe space to vent. I hope they find it.

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The Keed hate is mega overblown. Keed isn’t afraid to have and defend takes outside the norm. So what.

Even if he is wrong 100% of the time (which he isn’t) that isn’t the worst trait in the world.


FYP. Sure, not the worst thing in the world but the response is predictable.

Tbh that sounds like one toxic ass community but that’s veering off topic.

I was more focusing on the ‘unconstructive grievances’ as that seems like the bigger whammy, but that’s ok, this was a reasonable answer. And I’m not singling you out, i’ve just always wondered about the all the casual in-passing insults.

i liked you cuz potatoes but i also said you had a pointy head so that’s a wash

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He doesn’t have to take any L, though. Others don’t choose what someone else has to think. It’s also pretty damn funny to see the L’s turn into W’s.

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I think it was the other way around. The people who wanted a non-serious shoot shitting place were getting banned because they didn’t conform to a vision of a more serious place. There were those who wanted to use this space to support activism or lead to irl political action.

This led to an alliance between those who just wanted to have fun and those whose idea of activism laid outside of and often opposed to traditional Democratic Party practices. I think there was a clear failure to either acknowledge or recognize that their ranks included people whose idea of fun is trolling. That led the other side to make the mistake of treating all of them as trolls.

Do people acknowledge that not all contrarians are trolls?

It’s a common mistake here to paint all statements believed to be incorrect as lies.

I have a different, more charitable interpretation of this. Wookie’s mod experience led him to really loathe 9/11 truthers and other conspiracy theorists. The role of such misinformation in the rise of Trump and resistance to COVID measures, combined with how some posters adopted COVID as the raison d’etre of the forum meant that perceived misbehavior was going to be treated harshly. If it was bad moderation, I believe it came from a good place of wanting to protect the forum what he believed was biggest threat, COVID denialism, rather than dick-swinging authoritarianism. This meant that he would also go after denialism-adjacent topics, even if someone could sincerely have questions on those. (I make no claims in this post about any dick-swinging behavior in other disputes.)

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That’s all very well but a reaction to 9/11 truthers doesn’t explain his racism. I guess that’s more down to a privileged white enclave background and the Church.

I don’t remember exactly but it seemed like he transitioned to bad faith posting instead of recognizing he was wrong about GG. Maybe he would disagree but idk. Also important to note Keeed famously and admittedly trolled 2p2 on like deflategate and other things so it’s not unfair to wonder if he’s posting in good faith.

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Which racism are you referring to?

Keeed admits he has trolled a bunch of times

It’s already been covered recently - wookie posting that the “ghetto” is somewhere you shouldn’t go but you might make an exception for a good ethnic restaurant.