META: About Unstuck splintering into SPE

Lol that’s a throwback.

MrW: But she wasn’t a banner mod!
Me: Lol we’re not talking about if she was, we’re talking about what a reasonable 3rd party observer might assume she was at the point the comment was made, based on their relative frame of reference. You’re a goddamn scientist how in the fuck do you not understand this?

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good times

Imagine donating money to some fox news contributor.

Greenwald isn’t a Fox News contributor.

He’s not racist, just #1 with racists.

This is a bad take and the kind of purity stuff that is so bad for the left.

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Yes, you’re allowed to call him out on this. What you’re not allowed to do is to say you didn’t call him out on this after you did.


I don’t blame people for being tired of this shit because quite frankly much of it isn’t novel. It’s textbook abuse and rationalizations for said abuse.

Ironically it’s fine to just say at the outset “lol Ked you suck you deserve to be treated like x because y, these are my honest and sincere thoughts on the matter”. The abuse comes from all the dissembling and obfuscation and bullshit. Making a mountain out of molehill if you will.

Question skipped.

Tbf the direction of that question isn’t as pertinent as asking himself it.

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I didn’t skip it you edited your post.

I’ve stated over and over both sides have acted horribly. That said all actors were not equal.

Power ranking the bad actors will be a fun call-in show topic for years to come!

Like, you really thing Ked isn’t mature and self-actualized enough to have this said to him,

and not go, “Whew! At least that’s cleared up and to be honest I’m a little relieved some of these dudes think I suck.”

It’s also why people think they’re snagging me in some sick gotcha when they tell me how insulting I am at times. Like, I lack self-awareness and am shrouded in layers of dishonesty and bullshit? No, it’s simple, I don’t like you (the hypothetical you), I don’t respect you, we’re not friends, we’re not going to be friends. Like wat, grow the fuck up and be glad. If I’m such a terrible shitty pos you should be glad, it means you’re doing something right, right?

Sure maybe I’m misremembering. Or maybe you’ve conveniently blocked out the reactions you received from defending people far worse than even Greenwald over there. Just a shocker that you and Case Closed haven’t changed this raised by wolves act since 2009.

I don’t know did you?

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Again, you know best

Ok, no, I didn’t. Was pretty sure I hadn’t. You’re a main character.

I’m a fan of Keeed but he refused to take the L on the GG stuff and that’s why he became the main character in that thread. Seemed fine to me

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“You must be lying and trolling about this bothering you cuz we were waaaayyy shittier to you back in the day and you acted like it didn’t bother you!”

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I don’t think he’s lying, I think he sincerely bought into the narrative.

Is this the same clovis8 who wrote passionately only a week or so ago about reconciliation and moving forward?

“You must be lying and trolling have been hoodwinked and bamboozled about this bothering you cuz we were waaaayyy shittier to you back in the day and you acted like it didn’t bother you!”

Similar spirit. He might’ve hoodwinked and bamboozled me after being hoodwinked and bamboozled himself.