I think the cake denier’s list is a reasonable guess, plus Jbro, Fidget.
hahahaha yup guess “everyone is welcome” is another lie from Goof Baller.
Didn’t make a post by the way, just registered an account.
From the SPE marketing thread’s perversion about NMNM, It’s clear NMNM members are not invited.
If you firmly believe that internet moderation is evil and should not exist, to the point where you think others who support its use must be bad people, then maybe you can get an invite to NMNM. For literally everyone else, you are welcome to join us.
There should be an annual NMNM vs SPE softball game.
FoS as usual
I move that the sides be called nomnoms and (SP)eDems.
There’s a lot of begging the question there, I’m not and never have been against internet moderation. But it’s good that one thing is very clear: goof baller and jman and cw and wookie’s Forum Enemies are prebanned from that site. Everyone is assuredly not welcome.
I wish the new site good luck, but it’s pretty pathetic to say everyone is welcome and then ban people on sight for registering. It also makes the defenses that the new site is somehow different or better than the invite only NMNM pretty laughable. It’s far worse as rather than not invite people they don’t like, they instead let them show up and ban them while using a message intended to insult and belittle them. Seems they had to get in one final dig at their forum enemies before moving on.
It’s obviously fine to have a list of people you don’t want, but just be upfront about it and post that list, don’t present a veneer of being open and welcoming.
Again, I wish the new site good luck - everyone should try to find places to post that they enjoy and if UP wasn’t providing that, they have every right to leave and create their own space. It’s just sad UP had to die this way (and before I get called a hypocrite for being a shitty mod, I’m not claiming to be blameless).
Because it’s been a years long troll campaign and now their hobby is gone.
They’ve won running people off this site, but now can no longer harass them at will.
Can someone remind me which team I’m on? I just don’t want to show up in the wrong colours when we take to the streets.
Says another proud non-reader.
Hope you enjoy your football (soccer) threads with no UK/Ireland posters lol.
Snor Ked, why can’t you bring yourself to type “goofyballer”?
it’s a typo
Excellent example of good faith posting.
you need to start regulating the PROPER spelling of former posters’ usernames at once
The lie is good marketing for their new forum though. If they publicize their pre-ban list then people not on any side will feel bad they’re leaving people they might actually value behind. But with the “everyone is welcome” veneer then those bad feelings can be avoided.
maybe I just can’t wrap my head around how it might be hurtful for someone to intentionally misspell a posters name to make some dumb internet point. Never happened to me! Makes you think though.