Merrick Garland: What would you say you do here?

What if charges are filed in the summer of 2024 and voters are told to re-elect Biden or the charges get dropped by a Republican administration?

Zeno’s paradox of 1/6 investigations, never quite reaching its destination.


I think that if you start indicting politicians on anything less than rock solid concrete evidence and they dodge the charges, we descend down a slippery slope that leaves the country arguably worse off than before

So while it’s possible Garland is simply being negligent, I still hold out hope that what he’s really being, is thorough

This is one of the many ways that the fascists have increased their power in America by weaponizing the seemingly good instincts of other people. The pattern happens over and over again - something that sounds objectively good (“Hey, we need to maintain a stable society and proceed with caution and not tip the boat too much.”) stops being a good idea when it is weaponized against good people. You know what else creates a “worse off” country than before? Letting obviously bad actors and illegal actions go unpunished. Everyone is watching the tepid reaction of the people that are supposed to enforce our societal rules, and they’re learning what they can get away with. This could be charitably described as “being thorough”, but it is more accurately described as “letting the psychopaths know that we won’t fight back”. Not great.


A couple years ago I would have been the loudest voice here that the dems will do the right thing eventually. Lol me.

At this point, there is no other plausible explanation than they are in on it. They have no intention of enforcing the rules because they are happy they are going away.


I don’t disagree with you given how much criminality and corruption has been given a pass to date. I’m just saying I don’t think it’s over until Republicans take over congress again. Are Dems too meek/stupid to save us? I certainly don’t hold out much hope. Just saying it’s “possible” if indictments come down the pike before a certain time, it could get very ugly for those indicted

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This forum doesn’t have a handle on how hard it on is to prove a case. We had people raging a few days ago that a prosecutor dropped charges against an alleged abuser after reading that the abuser proved her innocence in a civil proceeding. You’re never getting a conviction if your case is that weak

How many Dems are a lock to win their next election? Because they are the only ones I can see not being alarmed by what’s going on. Every other Dem is in danger of losing power and ability to grift if nothing is done

Donald Trump has committed literally dozens of felonies. Several of which are on tape. GTFO


Tell that to our massive jail population


You’re talking apples and oranges. How much of that population had top notch competent counsel or the deep pockets that politicians have? The haves and have nots live in two completely different universes when it comes our judicial system

True, but the legal system is designed to allow people with a lot of money to spend on lawyers to turn even the most clear cut cases into a long drawn out performative back and forth about procedure and case law and what exactly the witness meant by the word “is”, etc. etc. etc. It certainly is hard to build a case to prove that someone is guilty, but maybe not for the good reasons @iron81 has implied.

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The replies are full of morons supporting Garland, WAAF.

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If this wait doesn’t end with what will be celebrated as WEGOTHIM day….


I mean what in the actual fuck? That didn’t come up during the job interview? Lol

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GOP torpedoing Garland really paid of bigly. Result is Gorsuch + Garland as the most feckless AG of all time. I’m sure latter would never have happened if he weren’t nominated by Obama in the first place.

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I’m an idiot when it comes to this stuff. Would garland have gotten the nomination for Supreme Court from Biden if he was still a judge?

It would have been astronomically stupid to put an aging moderate on the court, so yes, probably.


Biden had promised during the campaign that he was going to nominate a black woman. I think that was important enough to him and to the people he made that promise to that he would not have put up Garland.

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