Merrick Garland: What would you say you do here?

He only stopped being a judge so that he could take the AG position. If he thought that Biden would nominate him for SCOTUS, then he would have just declined that and stayed a judge.

Also what BigOldNit said.

I read somewhere that Garland was in charge of the (Timothy McVeigh) and some other high profile cases and not a single leak was made. I’m hopeful that’s what’s happening here

I’m hopeful Natalie Portman is going to call me this week to be my sexual partner.

Mine is orders of magnitude more likely!

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Not a supremely encouraging quote from a member of the J6 committee!

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Anyone using their one time here?

So we can get a weaker AG?

Is that possible?

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Hey, at least Klobs is willing to occasionally throw office supplies at a villain. So far that puts her ahead in my book.


Lawtwitter assures us it is because DOJ got him.

Bump for LOL DoJ. I’m guessing about next month is when everyone will start pushing the idea that it’s too close to elections to see any indictments lest they be viewed political, so everyone will have to just keep waiting and have faith

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Fuck off

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Well at least someone held a mirror under his nose

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One fun result of not prosecuting insurrectionists is now they’re able to run for office. Like this guy

I guess there is about the same chance as a hitting a 2 outer on the river as there is of Brandon ever firing /replacing this useless fuck.

The Dems need to start calling for his resignation, shit or get off the pot Merrick.

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He’s doing what Biden wants, that’s the problem.