Merrick Garland: What would you say you do here?

It’s actually amazing the Shaman guy isn’t head of the gop yet.

DOJ has done nothing to enforce his ignored subpoena

I was recently assured on lawtwitter is that they are developing an obstruction of an official proceeding case against Mr Meadows and that the ignoring the subpoena case would detract from that.

Enjoying your nap Merrrrick?


“FBI agents who knew of Larry Nassar’s abuse, did nothing, and then lied about it will face no legal consequences for their actions,” Sens. Richard Blumenthal and Jerry Moran said in a news release. “Dozens of athletes would have been spared unimaginable abuse if these agents had just done their jobs.”

A+ trolling

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If he followed that with, “because let’s face it: public service loan forgiveness is the only way you’ll ever pay off those crushing student loans” I’d understand his point. Instead I’m sure he timidly droned on about the rule of law and following it wherever it takes us. Smiles and celebrations abound. Oh the joy the crowd feels at being there and hearing this walking legal roadblock spew all the keywords of AMERICA: justice, law, nonpartisanship, worrying a little about democracy being destroyed but not enough to do anything about it when you’re the fucking US AG, and celebrating recently dropping out of the top 20 of law enforcement cowards in this country.

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Narrator: he ignored that subpoena too

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Commodus whoooooooooo gif

Aka symbolic thing happened of no consequence that will result in nothing.

Just eat your bread at your circus and shut the fuck up. Dems Deliver!


People have been begging Garland for a year to spam indictments and as soon as he does it no1curr.

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Yea, they could march Trump off to prison and most of these bitches will be crying about their student loans.

I’ll care when someone actually suffers a real consequence that will actually deter other assholes from dismantling our democracy. Another year of legal theater for this clown ain’t it.

I’m not so sure about that, this brain genius is representing himself, so there’s actually a decent chance he ends up in big boy prison


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lololol so subpoenas are optional unless you’re a certifiable dunce who won’t put up a fight