Merrick Garland: What would you say you do here?

Take that back. We got him.

What if “the illegality is obvious?”

Oh then that’s a Really Big Deal. Official Statements will be issued making it crystal clear that Senior Officials are Deeply Troubled and No One Is Above The Law. WOW! BOOM!

Some how, some way, if honest people are ever in charge again there needs to be investigations into the investigators. Every single person ever in charge of investigating a Trump crime going back to that (Atlanta?) AG who let him off the hook for a (donation?), to Garland, to Mueller, to the new NY AG, etc. EVERYONE! There’s been so many I’ve lost tracked. This is fuck nuts insanity already


It was the Florida ag, Pam Bondi.

I told you guys when Biden was leading the primary that if he won the presidency, this is what would happen. Trump is going to skate, and it’s at the unofficial direction of Biden, guaranteed. Either he picked his AG based on them agreeing that the best path forward was healing, or he made it implicit.

Biden is all about pulling the country together and American greatness, his entire belief system around this country is antithetical to prosecuting Trump.


If true, it’s the epitome of irresponsibility and a historically poor presidential decision as it guarantees an end to democracy as we know it. At best, there will never again be an election that is not at least contested from the Republican side. At worst (and most probable) another insurrection attempt will be made and succeed

Is Biden really that naive or desperate to protect himself and future and past presidents from prosecution?

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I think it’s the first.

It’s his whole shtick. “Bring people together.” “I was in the senate with Mitch McConnell. We can get things done.”

He honestly believes that most Republican senators are not bad people. And he agrees with them on quite a few things.

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Is it still possible that the DOJ is waiting for the select committee to finish and make its referrals so as not to look politically motivated? I’ve heard they are still adding more investigators in anticipation of something. I somewhat do believe the talking points that the DOJ likes to have an extraordinary amount of fail proof evidence before indicting because they like to win cases. ??

I highly doubt it. If they are, they are even dumber and more incompetent than I thought.

Right because he’s basically a Republican himself. But this goes beyond politics and sure he, or at least his staff, can see that. This is not a right or left issue. This is democracy hanging on by a thread due to criminality. And besides, it’s not really Biden’s call, is it? It’s Garland’s. Regardless of who appointed him, he has a moral obligation to DO HIS FUCKING JOB!

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Yes, he believes whole heartedly in American exceptionalism.


No rush

I think rhis is what I heard yesterday. There’s still a non zero chance the DOJ is sandbagging and hanging back, so when they do start indictments of higher ups, the chance for conviction is all but certain. It would make plausible sense. You don’t want to indict a senator+ unless you’re very sure of conviction. That’s my hope anyway

Even if there is no chance of a conviction, Dems need a politically-motivated show trial to rile up the base.


Lol any talk of anyone getting indicted for the insurrection may be crazier than q loonies talking about tribunals and special elections.


Lollawtwitter is all amped up now.

non zero as in .0000000001%