Merrick Garland: What would you say you do here?


Garland is looking at it very strongly.

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Not saying this is what he’s doing, but would it be wrong for Garland to try to run a leak-proof DoJ that doesn’t comment on any investigations or even if they exist? Do we need an AG who leaks stuff to try and do excite the base?

I’d feel better.

I think it’s good to run the DOJ in a leak-proof manner. That being said, in something this high profile, once the investigation reached certain milestones (subpoenas, witness interviews, grand juries, charges against small fish who you’re trying to flip), I think tthe information would almost inevitably get out either through public filings or because someone, somewhere decides to leak. Because of that, even if Garland could magically seal up all internal leaks, I think we’d see more signs of life if truly serious stuff was underway.

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There is no real investigation. Their strategy is to get things back to normal by pretending none of it ever happened.

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Gotta look forward, not back

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A+ journalism here

Jesus, they manage to bothsides Donald Trump and Hunter and also group Hunter’s obvious farce of an investigation with 2016 election interference investigations to minimize the seriousness of election attacks, quality work!

But have no fear, I have been reassured by legal experts on Twitter that since no one accurately predicted the exact moment of yesterday’s Enrique Tarrio arrest it means the DoJ is operating completely under the radar and who knows they could indict DJT any day now!


Lololol I won’t hold my breath

Oooh, portents! Portents are HUGE!

Beware the Ides of March!

Remember when we cared this guy was denied a SCOTUS seat!


lololol theyre actually investigating Hunter Biden

for influence peddling, tax offenses and general foreign shadiness while a private citizen

zero trump family members investigated

vote blue no matter who


knock knock Um, hello. Excuse me justice department, is anybody home. Hello?!?

A preponderance if the evidence is not enough to get a conviction.

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