Merrick Garland: What would you say you do here?

Can’t make this shit up

Great job bro. Maybe a special prosecutor, some basic fucking investigating? Nah, too divisive.

Patriots would be assassinating The Squad if Dems or Antifa or BLM did anything near this.

Guess we’re good with this?

Guys he was just spit balling legal theory. And also sending emails to executives to get them to act on it.


Still Sucking

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Yada yada yada

We want blood.

anything new or is this just “steve bannon still walking around without any conseuences”?

Nothing new, just feeling frustrated and wanted to vent.

It’s not just Bannon, but apparent lack of any justice dept. action on anyone but the footsoldiers.

right but Bannon is the canary, the guy hadn’t been working in the white house for years, he has zero legitimate claim to protection under executive privilege even if trump could assert it, if Garland doesn’t go after him he’s not going after anyone.

Agree completely, thats why i am frustrated.

Give the pos a chance to save the country he claimed did so much for him, and he is gonna choke.

Any chance Biden replaces him?

Unless he’s just colluding with the republicans, why wouldn’t he appoint a special prosecutor and put the heat on someon else?

It’s best to make peace with the absolute certainty that there will be zero accountability for anyone.


Not Sucking.

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Eh, I’ll believe it when he’s under arrest.


Sucking slightly less.

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I’m not overly optimistic, but it’s my understanding that no one has ever been indicted for contempt of congress while asserting executive privilege before. It’s possible the DOJ had to do some extra research to ensure the contempt charges would stick

has anyone ever tried asserting executive privilege when they didn’t actually have that privilege before?

Nixon gave it a shot.

I assume the way this plays out is Bannon claims exec privilege, Harvard lawbros argue for months over whether he can do that, and SCOTUS decides 5-4 that Bannon doesn’t have to say anything because of muh executive privilege.

Added wrinkle that this is a criminal case so in order to actually be convicted all 12 members of the jury have to not be totally confused by executive privilege.