Merrick Garland: What would you say you do here?

Does the jury actually decide that part? I would have assumed that whether executive privilege applies or not is up to the judge.

Nixon was actually the executive when he tried whatever you’re thinking of

Sure, but even then he still didn’t have the ability to invoke executive privilege over all of his conversations. Or at least that’s what the SCOTUS decided.

right, but what I’m saying is in the general sense he did have the ability to assert executive privilege.

trump does not

I’m not following this whole thing that closely, but I was under the impression that he was trying to assert privilege over conversations that he had while he was still president. Is he trying to assert privilege over conversations that he had after Biden became president?

The jury isn’t going to make the legal determination, no, but I have a feeling it’ll creep into the defense in some fashion, as some sort of defense as to intent or something. Then all the defense needs to do is confuse the hell out of the jury.

The privilege belongs to the office. The purpose of the privilege is to allow the president to do his job unimpeded. The idea that the privilege applies to an ex-president because reasons is patently absurd. Trump doesn’t need the privilege right now becuase he’s not the president.

I don’t know the law on this, but it’s not a stretch to argue that the prospect of future disclosures might inhibit a sitting president from doing his current job effectively.


I’m sure that’s what the 5 conservative justices will decide when awarding the privilege to bannon, a private citizen who was counseling someone who is no longer in office now, but I still think it’s absurd.

Anyone can see exec privilege wasn’t intended to cover a former president doing crimes but ofc this will require all manner of delays and appeals to straighten out.

These are Washington DC juries. Relatively low on deplorables. If I’m Bannon I don’t like my odds. I agree with the assessment that being found guilty and doing 12-24 months is probably good for his brand. Mark Meadows is not built for any kind of confinement. He will roll.

LOL we’re still doing this

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Exactly this.


If this were a movie they’d be monitoring these guys for intel. But ya, no.

But the wapo says if you investigate criminals the criminals will be mean so …

Lol wapo. Maybe they should wiki HR Haldelman.

AG Merrick Garland plans speech on Jan. 6 investigation for Wednesday

Finally, I wonder what he’s going to talk ab…


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LOL fuck this guy. What a whistle dick loser.

Really owned with that nomination Joe!