Merrick Garland: What would you say you do here?

Figuratively, of course!




No ideas what based mean?


opposite of cringe

Based has been appropriated by the alt-right online as a general term of praise, as if “un-woke.”

Basically it’s like “something very correct, that normies think is cringe and wrong”

Young (but getting older now lol), extremely online right wingers and left wingers both use the term, albeit to describe usually opposite things

It involves, like, not giving a shit how ignorant or propagandized people are going to view you. Or how you’re viewed by people who’ve never had a critical thought about cultural constructions. Sometimes used for non-political things. Lots of room for nuance for various forms of tongue in cheek or even facetious usage

Thanks. Still not sure if it’s an insult or compliment. :joy:

Yeah, it depends on grue’s position RE burn it all down

Which I don’t remember

I didn’t know either. And even after reading AQ’s explanation, I still think I’d have a hard time using it perfectly. I’m sure I’d sound like some old dude trying to use some new slang term because he heard it once and wants to sound not old.

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Lol. Based is something the kids say to mean “don’t give a fuck”, nothing more nothing less it’s not some right wing bullshit.

I think.

So you’re saying Clovis is fuckless?


Saying burn it down is the opposite of not giving a fuck. It’s a realization that incremental change is fruitless. The only real fix is wholesale.

This is unique to the US too. I’m no nihilist. I’m a realist.

I’m currently door knocking and texting for our local election. Here incremental change is still valuable as our system is not rotted to the core.

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Based tbh.

This will be awesome. Trump gets re-elected and pardons thousands for prior and future sins. This country will be awesome.

It’s not that you don’t care, it’s that you don’t care who gets offended by the idea of literally burning everything down, even if you don’t mean it literally. (But maybe you should…)

Re based:

This, but like all internet slang it experienced a rapid transition to ironic use. It’s like the word “epic”, if I refer to “Ted Lieu’s epic tweets” you guys would be able to tell that I mean this ironically. So “based” now more usually means “brave, redpilled truthteller” but intended to be interpreted as exaggerated or ironic for comic effect.


Here this will show you what based is

Get him Elie

It’s hard to conceive of a circumstance in which these five conservative justices would allow the presumptive Republican nominee for president to be tried while actively running for that office. It’s impossible to conceive of a situation where they would allow him to be convicted, sentenced, and physically jailed while he’s a viable contender for a major party nomination. The time for holding Trump accountable in a way that would have prevented or even temporarily interrupted his quest to reconquer America passed a long time ago.

Merrick Garland either knows all this, or he is a drooling fool.

The full failure of Garland’s strategy (and I’m being generous by calling his strategy a “failure” instead of a well-laid plan to help Trump escape accountability) will not be acknowledged for some time. Like I said, I expect Jack Smith to charge Trump with something, sometime. And on that day (I’d put the over/under sometime around June), Garland defenders will fall over themselves, congratulating Garland on a job well done, moving the goalposts to make it seem like indictment, not conviction, was the victory condition all along. Then, when the Supreme Court puts the trial in quicksand for a year, Garland will say, “Welp, I tried super hard you guys, but it was just impossible to go any faster” and go off to write his book.