Merrick Garland: What would you say you do here?

That seems to be an excuse, rather than an admission of incompetence. For all you hear about how tough DoJ can be about flipping witnesses, they sure don’t seem very good at it. Greenberg is the ONLY person who can testify about Gaetz’s crimes? Target someone and threaten them, use the model they did with Allen Weisselberg … wait, never mind.

That link states the govt does acknowledge that Greenberg cooperated and provided information that helped them charge other people. I guess just for Gaetz, the one high-profile suspect, his entire case relied on Greenberg testimony? Remember Gaetz publicly using Venmo to pay for underage prostitutes? Not a good enough head start for DoJ to build a case. LOL DoJ. LOL at their sheer cowardice.

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Can’t wait for Trump’s pardon of Greenberg now. Day one just let them fly.

I’m just shocked. Shocked I tells ya!

We’ll get the next one guys don’t worry, law and order WILL PREVAIL

Imagine thinking Garland is anything but in on it at this point.

He isn’t in on it. Biden nominated him for the same reason as Obama: finding common ground with the GOP has value that sometimes trumps partisan goals.

Lol ok. He is just the worst person at his job of anyone who has ever held any job of any kind.

Jesus I can’t believe I sounded like this a few years ago.

Finding common ground with terrorists. Just lol.


don’t have the balls to charge gaetz when evidence abounds

But sure. Trumps day is just around the corner.

Have you guys considered that maybe Gaetz is a cooperating witness and they’re going after people higher up? Bigger fish to fry, that’s what I’m thinking.


Anyone who still thinks trump is getting charged at this point has actual mental illness.

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0.00% chance

How successful do you think this has been, and what have been the benefits?

Just an estimate, but >75% chance that was sarcasm.


Biden said at the SotU he signed over a hundred bipartisan bills, so at least a little. He spent like 20 minutes talking about bipartisan accomplishments.

Also, if you’re a nihilist burn it all down type and accept that the R base is more radicalized than the D base, pointing out how eager Rs are to compromise with you is good politics.

If you are not a burn it all down type you simply have not been paying attention at all.

Did you think he meant these bills wouldn’t have passed without GOP support?



They wouldn’t have passed if they were filibustered.

BASED CLOVIS is not something I had on my 2023 bingo card.

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He was already that way a year ago tbh