Merrick Garland: What would you say you do here?

Garland probably thinks he is giving a lesson in how government is supposed to work and making Republicans look bad by comparison.

Dems need to learn how to use Republican tactics against Republicans and not care if it makes them look hypocritical.

I smell a MuellerSheWrote spin off pod!


Merrick had his thumb in his mouth or up his ass for two years but somehow he immediately pulled it out to hold it up in approval for this to prove he can pretend to investigate anyone equally. DoJ is a disgrace under his watch.


Maybe Biden asked for this.



Garland is the parent who has a kid out partying every weekend, getting arrested for DUI and drug possession, who lets it all go on for years then punishes their other kid equally for getting a B. The guy is truly a disgrace, but this was known when Biden picked him!

I can see thinking that. It fits with what people think of Biden, that he would take a stance of welcoming the investigation because there’s nothing criminal there and he wants that played out publicly. But Biden has repeatedly said he leaves the DoJ alone (up to you if you believe that, and it would be easy enough to relay the message through intermediaries), and more importantly all this does is throw the investigation down DoJ’s pit-toilet hole of investigations that stick to the slimy pile and rot in darkness. I doubt that Merrick “everything will go back to normal if I shut myself in my office and shiver in fear” Garland’s DoJ will clear Biden before resolving Trump’s doc case; the outcry would give him nervous diarrhea. So we all wait. Then we check the date, calculate how long it’s been, sigh, and wait more.

I’m just extraordinarily frustrated with this nonsense today. Now I’m really concerned that DoJ is back to the old delay until people forget nonsense. Unfortunately there is clear precedent from them here; they ran out the statute of limitations on Mueller’s clear obstruction charges like Tecmo Bowl Bo Jackson running out the clock by running figure 8s 30 yards behind the line of scrimmage.

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When they write the history of the downfall of the American experiment, the total and utter feckless legal system will play a staring role.

The fact that the entire legal infrastructure has zero interest is maintaining democracy is a foundational element in these end times.

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They are interested in maintaining democracy, they just insist on using conventional weapons against an opponent willing to use ABC weapons.

The establishment Democratic stance is that the system basically works if you put adults in charge and they try to prove that by acting like adults when in power.

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This is a thing?

LeSsEr oF tWo eViLs

How’s that working out? Oh.

This google antitrust suit seems like 10 years too late? They have legit competition in search now, Tik Tok plus AI are real problems for them.


Remember hearing that Joel Greenberg’s sentencing was repeatedly delayed because he was giving up so much information on Gaetz and others? All the delays spun into bullshit about how much worse it was all getting for Gaetz. Surprise! Nothing’s going to happen.

edit: so many comments like this over the years:

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Stfu emptywheel

We were sooooo close this time



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