Merrick Garland: What would you say you do here?

Did MSW spew out a holier-than-thou Twitter thread about how you should call up the parents of a child killed in a school shooting, or a rape survivor, before you dare criticize the hallowed institution that is DoJ? MSW straight up the worst of that kind of twitter.

These fucking idiots.

I remember when he was going to be indicted for the obstruction counts outlined in the Mueller report. As soon as he’s out of office he’s in big trouble! It’s coming!

At this point thinking trump is getting indicated is tantamount to the people who believe Gates put microchips in the vaccines. :worried::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Obviously you guys don’t read The Palmer Report lol

What exactly, do you think they’re afraid of?

Like I said, I’m still on the fence. It makes sense that Garland knows Fani Willis and the J6 committee will unearth a ton of information. Wouldn’t it be strategic to wait and see what they find? There really is no time limit and the info decreases the chance his department fucks it up and increases the chance for a successful prosecution by the DOJ

Right or wrong, Garland seems to be making the calculation that the appearance of the DOJ acting in a partisan manner diminishes their standing more so than the appearance of inaction

I mean, it’s right there in the policy. They’re afraid of being accused of violating their precious norms and the appearance of being “political”. I guess at a more visceral level what they are afraid of is having their own worldview challenged, so they aren’t going to be the ones to provoke any public debate on their worldview.

I’m not sure we ever had this. There’s been a different set of laws for the rich and powerful for quite some time. The truly sad part is that it’s taking all this shit with Trump for people to finally start realizing it

The question is if this is a legitimate fear. A country that jails political leaders that fall from power is a pretty big fucking deal. I’m undecided on so many levels on what should be done about Trump

Edit: That said, it’s happened many times that I know of with ex governors

It’s even worse to pretend Trump was a normal President and that the things he did were normal “political leaders stuff” so he can’t be prosecuted for it.

This is a Carl Sagan situation. Prosecuting a political leader when the leave office is an extraordinary act, so it requires extraordinary evidence of wrongdoing. But we have all that with Trump. There is absolutely nothing wrong with coming out and saying we don’t in the normal course prosecute political leaders but this is far from the normal course and unprecedented wrongdoing by Trump requires unprecedented action.


Believe me, I get it. It’s just that we’d have to necessarily rely on subjective reasoning to determine what constitutes a prosecutable act, You and I may say a president who lies to the American people about an election and attempts a coup, is the worst thing a president has ever done or can do. Others might say lying to the American people and starting a ridiculous war that killed tens of thousands innocent men, women, and children is worse. Others still, might say any president who sanctions torture and war crimes is worse

And is there any doubt that as soon as Republicans regain control that they’ll retaliate? They’re already saying they want to investigate and prosecute the Biden family. It’s a mess

I’m not for a minute saying Trump shouldn’t be investigated, prosecuted, and thrown in jail. But then I think even more importantly, so should every other elected official who was complicit. In fact, I’d argue that it’s even more important for them to understand the heavy price to be paid if there’s a next time. But this would require jailing a portion of a political party and I’m not sure how that plays out long term

Maybe allowing the leader of that party (an ex president) to get away with his crimes (as has been every case with every president so far), while making sure his minions in congress and no one else does is the healthiest path forward?

Garland knows that if he indicts Trump he is extremely likely to be hung for treason. It’s as simple as that as far as I’m concerned.

Being hung is the last thing Merrick Garland has to worry about.

The aggressive prosecutors are probably either ideologues or people seeking to build a reputation for the purpose of seeking higher office. Garland is neither, so he’s not going to be as aggressive.

He also lost his Supreme Court seat due to a massive violation of norms. While some might be vindictive towards those who cost him that seat, it seems like his idea of revenge is to try to prove the value of norms.

No. There are literally thousands of investigators within the DOJ. Finding stuff is their job. It’s already a disgrace that Congress has made more progress on this front than they have.

Trip report.

Right, but they’d have to open up an official investigation first. I meant would it be a legitimate strategy to see what everyone else comes up with first before doing that?

I’m basically going off The Palmer Report. I think the guy seems daft if not delusional, but that’s pretty much his take. That they are investigating, but not leaking. It seems to me, that they’re definitely investigating the fraudulent electors, but there’s zero evidence that they’re investigating Trump himself. But he seems to think they are and that everyone else doesn’t know how this all works. In my case, he’s right. I have no idea how it’s supposed to work. All I do is read different takes on it. You guys have a very different take than he does and I don’t know what to think

I don’t read the Palmer Report. My gateway into lawbro Twitter is Marcy “emptywheel” Wheeler, who I first read on the FireDogLake blog.

Thanks, I’ll follow her
