Merrick Garland: What would you say you do here?

Surprisingly the number of them who will end up voting for Trump in 2024 is also 10 out of 14.


Citing a Bill Barr memo LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL


They are 100% in on it.


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Vote harder!

I’ve been worried for a while they were going to float some bullshit about having to keep waiting because of elections. Just trust in the institution (which is letting the statute of limitations run out on all sorts of Trump crime) and wait. At this point the DoJ is an unmitigated disaster. There’s absolutely nothing keeping GOP top brass from doing whatever they want. Garland is a disgrace.

Back at Dem HQ: Applause and high fives and a staffer can be overheard saying “the 47-D chess move finally worked!”

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If Desantis campaigned on sawing this dude in half on live TV he’d have my vote for sure.


As far as I know, this is just a standard reminder of what has been long-standing DoJ policy. Barr’s memo was nothing new and cites previous reminders issued by Loretta Lynch in 2016, Eric Holder in 2012, and Michael Mukasey in 2008.


Lawbro twitter is in full Baghdad Bob mode, assuring us the prosecutions are right on track! I feel like I’ve seen this movie a time or two. Mueller She Wrote lolol


Absolutely nothing?

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it’s amazing that these dipshits haven’t figured this out yet, average #resistance shitlib IQ must be like 34

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I don’t think its an IQ thing, exactly. Its more psychological. Either these people have built a career whose future depends on widespread faith in the system, or they simply cannot accept the horror of a dystopian society that funds militarized police to terrorize innocent black people but won’t prosecute obvious crimes by rich white people. I think the faith is more an understandable defense mechanism than a sign of stupidity.

We all learned in school that America has this incredible system of checks and balances and guardrails. It gets cemented in that no one is above the law. It’s jarring to grow up and see that none of that shit actually works and someone like Trump can break any laws he wants without consequence.

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The really irritating thing is that it doesn’t have to be this way. There are people with the power required for accountability and they’re completely failing. The really hard part, that so few countries have, is the institutional infrastructure to allow rich powerful people to face consequences. We still have that! Its the easy part we are screwing up because the entire elite legal profession is full of cowards.

They fear chaos and crave order. Basically, they’re afraid of people like me.

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The PI indictments markets are still crazy soft.

This is the guy they gave 1.5 years to delete the texts right?