Merrick Garland: What would you say you do here?


So basically Merrick Garland just ended the political career of the most electable Dem in Florida?

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Is Merrick in Ukraine now?

At some point, Garland will be asked to be bold.


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Gillum is pretty clearly guilty. Also we are literally talking $5k a month here, which just fucking lol in comparison to the Trump situation.

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what is the gillum story?

Looks like Gillum ended Gillum’s career. Avenatti’d if you will.

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But clearly not electable enough. Might be good to get him out of the way. I honestly wish someone would charge Beto already so Texas could pick a new standard bearer.

Is my snap assumption that lol Democrats can’t even grift their own campaigns for small sums properly valid?

What’s are the odds he went there to investigate Trump blackmailing Zelensky?

lol just kidding but maybe?

counterpoint: the california democratic party

Nah, Gillum wasn’t great. Nikki Fried is way better as far as electability is concerned. Granted, that’s a pretty low bar.

Sure, I assume this is over the Hamilton tickets thing? Or something similar? Like he took a small handout? But regardless, I’d be okay with Garland’s DOJ ending him over it, cause he ended himself, IF they were doling out equal punishment to equally criminal Republicans - and all who are worse. Garland’s DOJ is almost literally doing punishments for me and none for thee!

Did you try to overthrow the government as a sitting president or member of his administration? Noooo problem, carry on my friend. Are you a Dem loser no longer in government who scored free Hamilton tickets? GO TO JAIL ASSHOLE!

(I see here that it went beyond the Hamilton tickets, but I think that makes this post funnier and the point still stands. Dem going down under Dem leadership for something < insurrection, Republican insurrectionists chilling.)

I mean, if we’re going to trash everyone that loses an unwinnable state by a small margin, it’s going to be even tougher to find good candidates to run there and try to turn it purple.

Neither state is unwinnable. The party needs more Fetterman’s and I refuse to believe there aren’t any like that in TX or FL.

Unwinnable is any flavor of eDem in TX or FL. If voters in Texas wanted to be establishment they’d be Republicans.

eDem lesson learned from Fetterman is to crush such candidates before they get any momentum

When this guy is calling you out for being an ineffective wuss…

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I know nothing matters but the FBI did raid J.Clark predawn this morning.

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Well yes it will be successful in front of a jury because they will only need one maga turd to wreck the whole thing.


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