Mental Health Thread

Safer than smoking, as there’s no combustion involved. If you take short hits it should also be much easier on the lungs and less coughing. On the other hand, if you take a long drag from a vape pen it will get pretty hot/harsh and you’ll end up coughing a lot.

I don’t have any experience with CBD products but I don’t see why they’d be any different than the full spectrum stuff.

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In the UK it’s being used as an aid in smoking cessation.

catface catches a lot of it. Long drags are fine so long as you have enough e-liquid in your tank (assuming yours uses e-liquid). Otherwise you might get some burnt hits which can be really unpleasant.

I used to smoke half pack a day 7 years ago and I use my vape pen way less. Probably takes about 10 puffs to down a cigarette. I take less puffs with my CBD pen than a person would smoking a single cigarette.

Of course, there’s a big difference between vaping nicotine (which is harmful by itself) and CBD in terms of health.

Is nicotine really harmful on its own though? I understand there are now links to vaping and lung problems but it’s my understanding these are mostly linked to the act of vaping itself, not the nicotine. For instance nicotine gum is pretty harmless, is it not?

I used nicotine vapes for a few months to wean off cigarettes and am now completely nicotine free for over 6 months now.


I felt the effects (or lack of) with cbd oil.

I was curious to see how I’d be without taking cbd for a few days and the results were quite shocking. I wouldn’t say that I went as far as having a full-blown anxiety attack but the symptoms of them were very much there as I was walking outside. Once I got to the chair and settled down for a discussion on whatever, I relaxed but during that trip I was anxious for basically no reason.

Even if it’s doing nothing, some time outside appears necessary to maintain my stability. I can’t get to the point I’m at now (and was at during the lockdown) where the mere act of going outside borders on causing full-blown panic attacks. Man it’s going to suck to do this as we approach winter.

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Even if it’s doing nothing, some time outside appears necessary to maintain my stability.

Yeah like back when I was single I considered moving to Melbourne, which is a much more exciting city than Adelaide, tons of arts/comedy/entertainment, tons of sports, great nightlife, just the cultural capital of Australia by a mile. Thing is, here in Adelaide, I can go hiking in the Adelaide Hills like 20 minutes drive from my house. In Melbourne there’s nothing like that, it would be like a 2.5 hour round trip from where I would want to live there, before you can hike up a mountain. And I noped out largely because of that. If that’s any indication where I rate the value of that in my life.

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I’m sorry to hear that Fidget. Way too young.


I need to try meditation. Anyone like the Headspace app? Or is there a better one?

Calm is my favourite one.

What’s better about it?

I love headspace. Only app I have used.

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I’ve done the free lessons on Headspace - they’re great.

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I just like the choices of meditations more. I also like the voices which is a big deal for me.

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My therapist and one of my coworkers both recommended Headspace, I really like it. Great variety of meditations. I particularly enjoy listening to The Wake Up.


For the meditation minded (heh), would also recommend something you have to make for yourself.

Find or write a script you like and record yourself reading out loud. Listen to this as you meditate. It doesn’t have to be long. Just a few minutes is enough. It will do wonders for your day-to-day self-talk. The voice in your head could always be kinder and better equipped to help you through whatever you’re experiencing. Even a positive experience can be overwhelming. This is where you train that voice.


Everyone should meditate so they can be more like Greg. True story!

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Er…maybe that one should have gone in the Big Brain LC Thread.

Ok that’s one Ive never encountered. Is that you being hypnotized or you hypnotizing your partner?

More a fan of Calm myself.

I like their bedtime stories.